Man lodged for possession of drugs


Adam M. Williams, 37, of New Carlisle, was charged with possession of drugs during a traffic stop Friday evening, Oct. 6.

Deputies of the Logan County Sheriff’s Office observed a speed violation with his vehicle about 5:05 p.m. and initiated a stop in the area of County Road 57 just west of U.S. Route 68.

Deputies found that Williams was driving under an active security suspension and a non-compliance suspension. While speaking with him, the defendant also became increasingly nervous and also refused to provide deputies with permission to search his vehicle.

The Bellefontaine Police Department’s K9 responded to the scene and K9 Boodik reportedly alerted on the vehicle. Deputies and the BPD officer then began a probable cause search of the vehicle.

They recovered a large amount of cash and numerous THC cartridges/devices. Williams was placed under arrest and transported to the Logan County Jail.

Driver charged with OVI following crash
Andrew W. Cox, 21, of 11847 Sunburst St., Milford Heights, Lakeview, was charged with operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs relating to a non-injury crash about 7:45 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 5.

Deputies report he was operating an eastbound 2013 Toyota Corolla on County Road 91 when he went off the right side of the road and struck a mailbox at 4236 C.R. 91 and then came to rest in the ditch.

Deputies spoke with Cox at the scene and he stated he had swerved to miss a deer in the road. However, deputies noticed that his speech was slurred and he was swaying as deputies spoke to him. Deputies also noticed a 12-pack of beer in his back seat.
Cox told deputies that he had consumed two beers that evening.

The defendant submitted to field sobriety tests and then was placed under arrest. At the jail, he submitted to a breath test, with a result of 0.229 blood alcohol content. He also was cited for failure to control.

Damage was moderate to the car, which was towed from the scene.

Criminal trespassing charge issued
Maria L. Jones, 47, of 190 Market St., Lakeview, was charged with criminal trespassing relating to an incident Friday, Oct. 6.

Deputies responded about 9:50 a.m. to the area of 225 Market St., on a report of a trespassing complaint. The residents said Jones had just been on the property after being told not to return there and that she had entered their gated front porch.
Deputies located Jones, who stated that she had entered the property to take a plant to the neighboring residence. She was placed under arrest and transported to the jail.

No injuries reported in C.R. 18 crash
Kailyn M. Newman, 16, of Bellefontaine, was cited for right of way at an intersection relating to a non-injury crash Saturday, Oct. 7.

Kailyn reportedly was operating an eastbound 2008 Honda Accord on Township Road 216 about 3:40 p.m. She reportedly failed to yield from the stop sign at the intersection of County Road 18, striking a northbound 2008 Ford Super Duty pickup operated by James R. Kaeck, 17, of DeGraff.

The pickup then went off the right side of the road and struck the support lines to a utility pole. Damage was heavy to both vehicles, which were towed from the scene.