Kiwanis Club installs new officers, presents awards


The Bellefontaine Kiwanis Club installed the new 2023-2024 officers, the board of directors and presented awards at THE Thursday, Sept. 28, meeting at The Syndicate. The new 2023-2024 board of directors are, from the left, Vicki Rapp, Drew Jackson, Jacob Estes and Sarah Warren (Kevin Braig is not pictured). Pictured in the Center is the Installing Officer, Kiwanis District Lt. Gov. John Coffield and to his right are the new 2023-2024 officers: President Julie Schrader; Secretary Kelli Bader; President Elect, Hannah Southwood; and second row: Vice President Todd White and Past President Kris Myers (Treasurer Brad Kunze is not pictured). (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

Legion of Honor Awards for 35 Years in Kiwanis were presented to Kim Kellogg Martin, left, and Tim Notestine. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

Legion of Honor Awards for 30 Years in Kiwanis were presented to Vicki Rapp, left, and Brad Kunze. Rapp also received the Kiwanian of the Year Award. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)