Indian Lake BOE wraps up 2022-23 with student achievements, five-year forecast


The Indian Lake Board of Education recognized student achievements, approved several staff contracts and agreed to the list of graduating seniors during the Monday evening, May 15, meeting. 

Several Indian Lake High School/Ohio Hi-Point FFA students were recognized. ILHS had five students receive their State FFA Degree this spring. They are Hunter Gross, Garrett Hough, Molly Partington, Ava Shroyer, and Seth Thornburgh. Mark Wolf and Ava Shroyer were recognized for their state-placing projects.

Paige Mefford and Hannah Metzger were also honored for their success at the BPA National Convention.

Paige Mefford and Hannah Metzger were recognized for their National Business Professionals of America success by Superintendent Dr. Rob Underwood.
(Indian Lake Schools Photo)

Indian Lake Treasurer Coleen Reprogle offered a five-year forecast update. She said the numbers remain steady since her last official update last fall.

The district continues to be proactive about the security of its K-12 campus. Members approved upgraded surveillance security cameras for the elementary school building at a cost of $58,702.

Upgrades are necessary, “for the security and protection of school property,” according to meeting notes. The work will be performed by Trithium Solutions out of Lewis Center.

Enhanced security cameras will be paid for through an Ohio K-12 safety grant the district has received totaling $85,783.

During the April meeting, board members approved enhanced locks and doors for the middle and high schools to be funded through a similar K-12 Safety Grant.

The board also voted to table the resolution of necessity for the renewal of an emergency operating levy until the June regular meeting.

In other board business, non-teaching and administrative contracts were approved for Missy Mefford and Erin Miller, middle school co-principals, three years; Kelli Tebbe, curriculum director, three years; Krystal Loy, special education director, three years; Victor Trujillo, assistant technology coordinator, three years; Brenda Oda, food service supervisor, three years; Jason Cummins, groundskeeper, one year; and Jamie Ross, public relations, one year.

The resignation of high school teacher Mark Wahl was accepted for the purpose of retirement.

The board accepted the graduation list for this Sunday’s commencement. A total of 105 seniors are set to receive diplomas when commencement is exercised at 2 p.m., May 21, on the high school football field.

The next meeting is 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 19, at the board of education office.