Husted harvests nine-point buck


Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted reminds fellow Ohio hunters that gun season starts Dec. 2 and venison can be donated to those in need.

Husted harvested a nine-point buck over the weekend with a TenPoint crossbow made right here in Ohio.

“Hunting in Ohio is the best! I enjoy the peace of sitting in the tree stand, surrounded by nature and the vibrant colors of fall,” said Lt. Governor Husted. “Then, there’s the excitement that kicks in when you catch sight of a deer moving in the distance, hoping it comes your way and that it’s the big buck you’ve been waiting for. Each hunt and harvest brings a new experience and story, keeping you coming back for more.”

An avid hunter since the age of 14, this isn’t the Lt. Governor’s first harvest. Last year, he harvested an eight-point buck.

One of Ohio’s most anticipated fall traditions begins soon during the annual white-tailed deer gun hunting season. Ohio’s youth hunting season is Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 16-17. Gun hunters of all ages can participate in the upcoming seven-day gun season from Monday, Dec. 2 through Sunday, Dec. 8. A bonus weekend of gun hunting will take place Dec. 21-22; muzzleloader season is Jan. 4-7, 2025. Ohio’s archery season runs through Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025. Legal hunting implements during the gun seasons include shotguns, straight-walled cartridge rifles, muzzleloaders, handguns, and archery equipment. All hunters, regardless of the implement they use, are required to wear hunter orange during the gun seasons. Learn more by reading the 2024-25 hunting and trapping regulations and visiting the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife’s hunting webpage.

Hunters who harvest a deer and would like to donate the venison to a certified deer processing shop in Ohio. Each donated deer is provided to a verified charitable organization that offers food assistance. One harvested deer yields approximately 50 pounds of venison and 200 meals. Find the complete list of processors accepting donations of harvested deer at Hunters who donate their deer are not required to pay for the processing of the venison.

Editor’s Note: This media release was provided by Lt. Governor Husted’s office.