Huntsville fire levy tied


Will fail if result doesn’t change pending certification, recount

A new property tax levy sought by the village of Huntsville to fund fire protection and EMS services came out to an 18-18 tie in Tuesday’s May 2 Primary Election, and the measure will ultimately fail if that tally doesn’t change as the vote gets certified.

A recounting of the ballots would be conducted if the tally is still tied after any provisional ballots are counted and once the vote gets certified, officials from the Logan County Board of Elections said.

However, because an “affirmative majority” is needed to pass, a tie vote amounts to rejection of the five-year, 1.5-mill request to raise an additional $13,500 per year for fire and EMS operations.

The levy would have cost a $100,000 property an extra $52 per year.

Also on the ballot Tuesday, the Village of DeGraff’s additional 0.5 continuing income tax did not meet voter approval, with 64 votes cast against the measure and 61 cast for the levy, according to unofficial totals.

The levy funds were earmarked for a new fire station, the purchase of new firefighting equipment and ongoing operations of the fire department.

A five-year, .5 mill property tax renewal funding the operation of the Dr. Earl Sloan library in Zanesfield was approved by voters in Jefferson Township, 199-168, according to unofficial results.

The levy raises approximately $38,000, with all funds directed towards the operation and upkeep of the Sloan Library. Jefferson Township acted as a conduit, performing the administrative functions related to getting the levy on the ballot.

Unofficial totals from the board of elections also show that no votes were cast in Logan County either for or against the Stokes Township Southwest Fire District’s renewal request of a five-year, 1.6 mill property tax levy for fire protection.

Waynesfield-Goshen Local School District passed their renewal of a five-year, 4.9 mill property tax to be used permanent improvements, 122 votes for the levy and 35 votes against the levy, including Auglaize and Logan County totals. In Logan County, four votes were cast for the levy, and just two against the levy.

The school district’s renewal levy will collect over $200,000 for the district annually at a rate of $104 per $100,000 in property value.

Bellefontaine City Council members and administration receiving complimentary votes in Tuesday’s election included: Zeb Wagner, council president, 1,013; Fred Brentlinger, auditor, 1,036; Josh Stolly, law director, 1,032; Deb Baker, Jenna James and Kyle Springs, council members at-large, 760, 726 and 896, respectively; John Aler, councilman first ward, 283; Jordan Reser, councilman second ward, 478; and Nick Davis, councilman third ward, 98.