Honoring the fallen

Guest speaker Bob Fawcett offers a Memorial Day tribute Monday at the 83rd annual Zane Township Memorial Day parade and ceremony. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)


Grand marshal Stephen Campbell, left, claps during the 83rd annual Zane Township Memorial Day ceremony, which followed the parade. Seated next to him are the 2023 Senior Citizens of the Year Tom and Sherrill Harmon. (HANNAH HOPPER PHOTO)


Members of the Middleburg Garden Club wave as they make their way along the parade route for the 83rd annual Zane Township Memorial Day parade Monday. (CYNTHIA DEARDURFF PHOTO)


The Benjamin Logan High School marching band participates in Monday’s Zane Township parade, just behind a Logan County Sheriff’s Office cruiser, grand marshal Stephen Campbell, and the 2023 Senior Citizens of the Year Tom and Sherrill Harmon. (HANNAH HOPPER PHOTO)