Hands-on self-defense class benefits Indian Lake residents


The Washington Township Police Department hosted its first women’s self-defense class over the weekend for area residents, providing detailed instruction in self-defense techniques and hands-on practice through situational exercises.

Police Chief Michael Thompson and Officer Logan Miller led the program Saturday, March 18, for 13 Indian Lake area residents in attendance. The women were taught ways to defend themselves in the event they are ever subject to an attack.

“There was a great emphasis put on making your mind up now that you won’t be a victim and having that mentality if you’re ever in a situation that could cause you to fall victim to an attackers’ attack,” Chief Thompson said.

The 13 women’s self-defense class participants are pictured with presenters Officer Logan Miller and Chief Michael Thompson. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

“Students were taught to not to over fight the attacker, and instead, to fight the attacker’s objective.”

The Washington Township Police Department plans to continue to host classes throughout the year, with upcoming details to be shared to the department’s Facebook page and the “Washington Township Police Officers Association” Facebook page.