Grand jury indictments in previous 2 months charge 40


GrandJuryA Logan County grand jury handed up indictments in November and December, charging 40 people:

• Joseph D. Robinson, 26, at large: felonious assault, a felony of the second degree; and domestic violence, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Blake Joe-Michael Kaminski, 21, at large: illegal conveyance of drugs of abuse onto grounds of a specified governmental facility, a felony of the third degree; and possession of a fentanyl-related compound, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Ronald D. Forsyth, 49, of Bellefontaine: aggravated possession of drugs, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Steven T. Jeanneret, 28, of Huntsville: possession of cocaine, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Jonathon J. Steadman, 22, of Lima: failure to comply with an order or signal of a police officer, a felony of the third degree;

• Timothy J. Tewksbury, 52, of Bellefontaine: vandalism, a felony of the fifth degree; domestic violence, a felony of the third degree; and misdemeanor counts of resisting arrest and illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia;

• Kevin C. Stanton, 47, of Rushsylvania: aggravated possession of drugs, a felony of the third degree;

• Mathia A. Yancey, 28, of Troy: aggravated trafficking in drugs, a felony of the fourth degree; tampering with evidence, a felony of the third degree; and aggravated possession of drugs, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Emily E. Runkle, 31, of Cridersville: tampering with evidence, a felony of the third degree; aggravated possession of drugs, a felony of the fifth degree; and misdemeanor failure to comply with opened container or beer or liquor laws;

• Shawn P. Cobble Jr., 28, of Dayton: failure to comply with an order or signal of a police officer, a felony of the third degree; and misdemeanor counts of criminal trespass, possession of marijuana and driving under financial responsibility law suspension or cancellation;

• Quinten J. Turner, 30, of East Liberty: illegal conveyance of drugs of abuse onto grounds of a specified governmental facility, a felony of the third degree; aggravated possession of drugs, a felony of the fifth degree; and possession of cocaine, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Dustin J. Wells, 30, Jackson Center: possession of cocaine, a felony of the fifth degree; and misdemeanor endangering children;

• Tia M. Hassell, 29, of Jackson Center: possession of cocaine, a felony of the fifth degree; and misdemeanor endangering children;

• Erin L.S. Douglas, 31, of Kenton: identity fraud, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Betty Jo Dolan, 27, of Bellefontaine: identity fraud, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Michael D. Golden, 24, of Lewistown: possession of cocaine, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Kurtis T. Gibbons, 27, of Lakeview: theft from a person in a protected class, a felony of the third degree;

• Robert L. Hicks, 19, of Bellefontaine: theft, a felony of the fifth degree; and possession of hashish, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Stacy R. Shirk, 66, of Bellefontaine: felonious assault, a felony of the second degree; and domestic violence, a felony of the fourth degree;

• Stevee M. Walker, 30, of Springfield: aggravated possession of drugs, a felony of the fifth degree; and misdemeanor illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia;

• Ethan T. Shoffner, 21, of Russells Point: abduction, a felony of the third degree; disrupting public services, a felony of the fourth degree; and misdemeanor counts of domestic violence, endangering children and using weapons while intoxicated;

• Mark A. Shoffner, 57, of Lewistown: intimidation of an attorney, victim or witness in a criminal case, a felony of the third degree;

• George M. West., 43, of Catlettsburg, Ky.: aggravate possession of drugs, a felony of the fifth degree; and misdemeanor possessing drug abuse instruments;

• Tanito L. Petaway, 45, of Bellefontaine: trafficking in cocaine, a felony of the first degree; possession of cocaine, a felony of the first degree; illegal manufacture of drugs, a felony of the second degree; two counts of trafficking in cocaine, felonies of the fifth degree; and major drug offender specificaion;

• Cedric G. Hinton, 37, at large: aggravated possession of drugs, a felony of the fifth degree; tampering with evidence, a felony of the third degree; and counterfeiting, a felony of the third degree;

• Calvin L. Board, 35, of Bellefontaine: possession of cocaine, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Juanita M. Patterson, 58, of Uhrichsville: aggravated possession of drugs, a felony of the third degree; and possession of cocaine, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Chance J. Archer, 26, of London: theft, a felony of the fifth degree; and three misdemeanor counts of petty theft;

• Charley J. Prater, 28, of New Carlisle: theft, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Maurice M.H. Wilson, 44, of Bellefontaine: trafficking in cocaine, a felony of the fifth degree;

• April R. Tuttle, 34, of Lakeview: aggravated possession of drugs, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Todd E. Connelly, 21, of Bellefontaine: burglary, a felony of the third degree;

• Joshua R. Sloas, 29, of Russells Point: burglary, a felony of the third degree;

• Rusty A. Alley, 46, of LaRue: complicity to theft, a felony of the fifth degree; aggravated possession of drugs, a felony of the fifth degree; possession of cocaine, a felony of the fifth degree; and misdemeanor counts of possessing drug abuse instruments; illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia and attempted petty theft;

• Shaylene M. Hanson, 35, of Billing, Mont.: aggravated possession of drugs, a felony of the fifth degree;

• Jeffery M.T. Carmichael, 18, of Springfield: receiving stolen property, a felony of the fourth degree;

• Chynna D. Aydelott, 30, of Bellefontaine: felonious assault, a felony of the second degree; and misdemeanor operation off street or highway in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property;

• Sable A. Brock, 35, of Detroit, Mich.: two counts of identity fraud, felonies of the fifth degree;

• Kyle L. Barker, 46, of Troy: aggravated possession of drugs, a felony of the fifth degree; and misdemeanor counts of possession of marijuana and illegal use or possession of marijuana drug paraphernalia; and

• Nicholas A. Nevels, 39, of Springfield: two counts of operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol and or drugs, felonies of the fourth degree; and identity fraud, a felony of the fifth degree.