FFA sophomores build friendships with special education students  

Benjamin Logan FFA members joined in with special education members at the elementary school to create tractor ornaments this month. (Benjamin Logan PHOTO)

Benjamin Logan High School FFA sophomores and the FFA secretary are spending time this school year developing new friendships with special education students in the district through a variety of activities organized by the FFA members. 

During one of the first activities, the sophomores presented a slideshow about cows and where cheese, milk and other dairy products come from. They also colored cow plates with the younger students and conducted a cheese taste-testing. 

They offered Cow Tales candy for the pupils to enjoy, and a take-home bag with coloring books and other fun farm activities to do. 

“I loved the interaction between the students and us,” FFA member Lucy Wenger said. 

The second time the FFA members visited with their new friends was around Thanksgiving. Together, they crafted turkey hats that the special education students got to decorate.  

The younger pupils enjoyed interacting with the FFA members and having visitors in their classroom meant a lot to them. 

“It was really fun because we got to spend time with elementary students and get to know each of them better,” member Lauren Kennedy said. 

Again in December, the FFA sophomores and secretary went for another visit and participated in Christmas crafts. They made a tractor popsicle stick ornament to take home for their Christmas trees. The group also ate a snack featuring bananas on a popsicle stick with a strawberry on top to look like a Santa Claus.

“It helps me to be able to learn how to interact with the students and it might open up a new career path for the future,” sophomore Kaylee Hays said.