Farm safety training simulator coming to Logan County Fair


The Logan County Farm Bureau announces that it will be hosting the Ohio State University Extension CART (Comprehensive Agriculture Rescue Trailer) for the 2024 Logan County Fair.

Sunday, July 7, the display will be open for questions from 1 to 5 p.m., and multiple demonstrations will take place from 2 to 4 p.m.

The CART was developed by a partnership between OSU Extension and the Ohio Fire Academy. The project’s purpose in its inception was to build a state-of-the-art mobile grain bin rescue training unit for direct delivery training and outreach education. 

There was a need for a training module and education outlet for not just first responders, but also the public, Farm Bureau officials noted. Currently, over 235 farmers lose their lives in an agriculture-related incident every 10 years, and grain bin fatalities increase yearly.

“We hope the CART demo and presentations will create interest from the public and promote opportunities for our first responders to take part in future training,” said Jill Smith, Logan County Farm Bureau senior organization director. 

“We want to thank the Logan County Fair for supporting this project and allowing us the opportunity to bring it to our community.

“We hope you will join our presentation at the Logan County Fair.”

Direct questions to the Logan County Farm Bureau office at (877) 775-7642.