Delegates grow friendships, leadership skills at Buckeye Boys State


Six Benjamin Logan High School students were among hundreds of young men who spent eight days of their summer forming friendships while learning how Ohio government operates and functions at the 2023 Buckeye Boys State.

The American Legion Buckeye Boys State program, sponsored by the Ohio American Legion, took place at Miami University from June 11-18. The motto for the experience is, “A week to shape a lifetime.”

The Zanesfield American Legion Post 599 sponsored delegate Micah Musser, a son of Chad and Bethanie Musser.

“Overall, the experience was different than I expected,” Micah said. “The group sessions had some excellent speakers that challenged all of us to be leaders in our community and country.

“I enjoyed getting to know Al, one of the American Legion volunteers in my city. He was really cool. He was awarded three Purple Hearts in service to our country. When we played songs in the band, he was right there dancing and having a great time.“

Fellow delegates from BLHS included: Belle Center American Legion Post 266 sponsored students Ryder Pennington, a son of Steve and Abby Pennington; Seth Jones, a son of Jesse and Jennifer Jones; and Ben Chamberlain, a son of Matt and Kiki Chamberlain; along with East Liberty American Legion Post 745 sponsored pupils: Joel Mitchell, a son of Doug and Jennifer Mitchell; and Hayden Alexander, a son of Gary and Laura Alexander.

The students are grateful to the local American Legion Posts for their support and sponsorship.

From the left, Benjamin Logan High School students Hayden Alexander, Joel Mitchell, Ryder Pennington, Ben Chamberlain and Seth Jones are pictured at the 2023 Buckeye Boys State. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

Micah Musser is pictured with his City group at the 2023 Buckeye Boys State, pictured just above the words “Legion.” (SUBMITTED PHOTO)