Crack cocaine recovered during traffic stop


Caine Taylor Jr., 27 of Springfield, was charged with possession of cocaine related to a traffic stop Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23,

Officers of the Washington Township Police Department on patrol on U.S. Route 33 near Township Road 94 and conducted a traffic stop on Taylor’s vehicle for a registration violation.

Upon making contact with the driver, it was learned that he had multiple warrants for his arrest. Officers also observed the odor of raw marijuana coming from the vehicle. A probable cause search was conducted and marijuana and crack cocaine were recovered from the vehicle.

Taylor was taken into custody and transported to the Logan County Jail. He was booked on his outstanding warrants and a charge of possession of crack cocaine was forwarded to the Logan County Prosecutor’s Office.

• Brandy Malone, 40, and Chad Cisco, 49, both of Sidney, each were charged with possession of drugs related to a traffic stop Friday, Nov. 24.

Officers on patrol on State Route 708 and State Route 235 conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle driven by Malone and occupied by Cisco for an equipment violation.

Upon making contact with the two defendants, signs of drug use were observed.
Cisco consented to a search of his person and methamphetamine was located in his sock. A probable cause search was conducted on the vehicle and bulk methamphetamine and scheduled II prescription pills were located.

Chad and Brandy were taken into custody and transported to the Logan County Jail.
The Logan County Sheriff’s Office assisted at the scene.