City council zips through light agenda


Bellefontaine City Council wrapped up its agenda at its regular meeting Tuesday, Jan. 14, in 15 minutes flat.

Only one item was on the agenda at Tuesday’s meeting, which the first reading of an ordinance authorizing the Service/Safety Director to accept, on behalf of the city, a small parcel of real estate from the Board of County Commissioners in the vicinity of Cooper Avenue. The land that is to be annexed into the city measures approximately 1/3 of an acre and the ordinance to accept the parcel will be up for a second reading at the next city council meeting.

As the Safety-Service Director, Law Director and Auditor were absent from Tuesday’s meeting, the council was able to sail through Mayor David Crissman’s report, as well as the short reports from both Chief of Police Chris Marlow, and Captain Brian Wilson of the Bellefontaine Fire Department. None of the council members had questions for those who spoke, and there were no citizens who addressed the Council during the meeting.

The next regular council meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28.