Chieftain royalty selected 


Bellefontaine High School has selected its homecoming court royalty, who will lead spirit-filled festivities this week. Pictured, from the left, are Chloe Stolly, junior attendant; Ella Fultz, sophomore attendant; Hunter Kerns, king candidate; Ava Campbell, queen candidate; Tavien St. Clair, king candidate; Kate Myers, queen candidate; Braylon Newcomb, king candidate; Ava Reeves, queen candidate, and Sloan Stolly, freshman attendant. (TONY BARRETT PHOTO)

The homecoming parade is Thursday evening, Oct. 3, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the intersection of Main Street and Chillicothe Avenue. It will proceed south and turn left onto Washington Avenue, then turn right onto Harding Street and head into AcuSport Stadium.

All fall athletic teams, select clubs, BHS Marching Band, and homecoming court will be featured in the parade. The community pep rally will start around 7 p.m. in the stadium.

The queen will be announced during pre-game festivities Friday night, Oct. 4. The king will be crowned on Saturday night, Oct. 5, at the dance, which starts at 8 p.m.

The Bellefontaine Police Department hosts a tailgate party Friday from 5 to 7 p.m. at Blue Jacket Park, featuring free hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and water while supplies last. There will be games, bounce houses, law enforcement equipment, and giveaways.

Bellefontaine (4-2) will host Tecumseh (0-6) in football Friday at 7 p.m.