Cannabis moratorium extended


City Building facadOhioans statewide voted last November to legalize the purchase and possession of recreational marijuana for personal use, but it will still be a while yet before the drug can be legally purchased, sold or grown locally.

Members of the Bellefontaine City Council during a Tuesday, Feb. 13, regular meeting passed a resolution extending a moratorium on zoning permits and applications related to cannabis cultivation, processing or dispensaries within the city limits.

The resolution calls the moratorium “temporary.” Members of council’s rules committee reasoned during a Jan. 24 committee meeting that state legislators still need to offer guidance to localities about permitting and growing cannabis.

With no established guidelines in place, council considers it necessary to await guidance from state legislators regarding State Issue 2 before approving any zoning permits or applications related to cannabis.

In other council business, multiple infrastructure projects were approved on third-and-final reading, including the city’s 2024 street resurfacing project.

The ordinance authorizes city administrators to seek proposals, advertise for bids and enter into a contract with selected contractors for the street resurfacing project, with a total cost of $904,000.

The city’s share, amounting to $103,000, will contribute to the infrastructure upgrade. The Ohio Public Works Commission will also play a role in financing the resurfacing project.

Council also greenlighted a project to improve the walking path at Blue Jacket Park. The park’s walking path is set to be resurfaced and widened upon completion.

A majority of the project’s $170,000 budget, approximately $120,000, will be covered by state capital funding. The remaining funds for this park enhancement will be allocated from the parks department’s budget.

The next regular council meeting is 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27.