Board of DD welcomes new business director


The Logan County Board of Developmental Disabilities introduced their incoming business director, Jennifer Frail, at their regular May meeting.

Frail will begin in her new position May 16, replacing Lana Switzer following her retirement.

For the past 15 years, Frail has served in a variety of positions with Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities. She has been in their business department for the past six years, working in business, accounting and technology.

She also holds a master’s degree in Business Administration and is working on becoming a CPA.

“Mrs. Frail brings a vast knowledge of the DD system with her,” LCBDD officials said. “We look forward to welcoming her to Logan County. “

The meeting began with Superintendent Krista Oldiges providing local and state updates. She noted that community surveys have been sent out to families, providers and community partners. These surveys will provide feedback to agency administration, allowing staff to be recognized for strong performance and improvements to be made in areas in need of growth.

The Discovery Center also hosted their annual Preschool Spring Program May 4 at Bellefontaine High School auditorium, with the theme, “Some of Our Favorites.”

“The Discovery Center staff work hard to make this a special event for students and their families each year,” officials said. “We want to thank them for an amazing show and thank the parents and families who make sure their children are able to participate in this event.”

The Discovery Center 2023-24 School Year calendar was approved and it will be posted online soon.

Early Intervention Director Liz Rose reported that numbers of new referrals and children being served in the Early Intervention department continues to increase. For this reason, the board approved a motion to add a new position. LCBDD is currently seeking to fill the position of early intervention developmental specialist.

Several agency policies were reviewed and one new policy on “Inventory Control” was implemented, as requested by Ohio Department of Education. A Field Placement Agreement with OSU for students was renewed, as well as several other provider contracts.

The Board of DD hosts their annual Memorial Service at 10 a.m. May 25, at 10 a.m. in front of the board office at 1851 W. State Route 47. This service recognizes individuals served by the agency, who have passed away over the past year. Anyone from the public is welcome to attend and remember these individuals.

Board meetings take place the first Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at 1973 State Route 47 West, Bellefontaine. The next meeting is June 1.