Board of DD organizes for 2025


Valerie Robb was elected president and Bridget Hawkins was selected as vice-president of the Logan County Board of Developmental Disabilities’ during the board’s annual organizational meeting Thursday, Jan. 30.

Frank Giannola also was elected recording secretary. Members Allen Huffman and Melanie
Reames were reappointed to new terms and were sworn in by Notary Public Becky Robison.

Superintendent Krista Oldiges reviewed the financials, noting that the Board ended 2024 with operating expenses at 87.5 percent and revenue at 118.69 percent as compared
to the budget of 100 percent.

The agency recently had a Cost Report Audit completed for fiscal year 2022, with no findings.

The LCBDD also received a grant from United Way of Logan County for $14,000 to purchase a Mobi-mat for Indian Lake State Park at Old Field Beach. A Mobi-mat is an ADA compliant rollout access mat that is designed to provide a stable surface for people in wheelchairs to access the beach area.

Coleman Services has been awarded the MRSS (Mobile Response and Stabilization
Services) provider contract for Logan County. MRSS provides services to people under the age of 21 who are experiencing escalating emotional symptoms, behaviors, or traumatic
circumstances that have impacted their ability to function within their family, living situation, school or community.

Service and Supports Administration Department Director Jason Moyer and his SSA team will be meeting with Coleman Services to discuss how they can assist people with developmental disabilities during these situations.

During 2024, the SSA Department received 105 referrals, which was the highest number of referrals in a year on record. The department is currently serving 221 adults and 195 children.

Early Intervention Director Liz Rose, noted that all 45-day timelines were met for the influx of 24 referrals in November 2024, which was unusually high.

Early Intervention (EI) is seeing an increase in families seeking assistance with younger children who continue with EI services up to age 3 when they can transition to preschool services. EI ended the year serving 141 children, compared to 134 in 2023.

The EI department is creating a Parent Support Group called, “Connections over
Coffee” that will meet once a month at The Discovery Center.

Preschool Director Lisa Sulich reported there are 205 children currently attending The Discovery Center.

During the last week of January, the preschoolers had the opportunity to participate
in the annual Shaving Cream Skating event, as was pictured in the Examiner. Members expressed appreciation to the VFW Amvets Post 39 in Lakeview, who donated
the shaving cream for this event.

During February, the Special Olympics Unified Bowling teams for the Logan County Braves will be participating in the National Unified Championships in Louisiana. Several fundraisers have been conducted over the last few months to assist in the costs for the athletes.

In new business, the board reviewed and approved several contracts including
contracts with Shelby County Board of DD, Mote & Associates, RTC, Midwest
Regional Educational Service Center, Company Mileage and the Chamber Energy
Program. Members approved one updated policy as well.

The board currently has two openings for teachers at The Discovery Center preschool, an administrative assistant for the Early Intervention Department and a shared business director position for Logan and Hardin counties. Anyone interested in applying for the positions can e-mail Staci Nichols at

Board meetings are typically conducted the first Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at 1973 W. State Route 47, Bellefontaine. The next meeting is 5:30 p.m. March 6. For further information on services, contact (937) 592-0015.