BLHS jazz band to perform at OSBA Conference


The Benjamin Logan High School jazz band is pictured with their director Myles Bowers. (Jeff Rose Photography)

The Benjamin Logan High School Jazz Band will perform at the Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) 2023 Student Achievement Fair in Columbus.

Representing OSBA’s Southwest Region, the BLHS Jazz Band, under the direction of Myles Bowers, will perform at 12:40 p.m. Monday, Nov. 13, in the convention center’s Hall B.

The Student Achievement Fair features original projects and programs created by Ohio public schools and offers excellent opportunities to learn, share ideas and celebrate what public education is all about — helping students achieve.

“The jazz band is thrilled to have been given the opportunity to represent our region at the conference,” Bowers said. “The students have earned this through their dedication to the jazz artform.

“We’re also fortunate enough to be spending the morning at Capital University with their jazz faculty and students participating in personalized masterclasses. It will be a day filled with music, fun and education.”

The group is one of five selected to perform at the fair, which is celebrating its 25th year at OSBA’s 68th annual Capital Conference and Trade Show at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.

An audition video was submitted by the jazz band last May.The band was informed of their acceptance over the summer.

Thousands of public education leaders are expected to attend the Capital Conference. In addition, nearly 500 exhibitors will display their goods and services at the Trade Show, one of the nation’s largest education trade exhibitions.