Bicyclist charged with OVI


Just hours after being warned by Bellefontaine officers for public intoxication and escorted home, a local woman was arrested early Sunday morning on multiple charges, including for impaired driving, after failing several field sobriety tests on her bicycle.

Trinity Yocum, 32, of Bellefontaine, was one of two bicyclists observed by officers of the Bellefontaine Police Department around 12:18 a.m., Sunday, Oct. 27, heading northbound through an alley near the Garage bar, 121 W. Chillicothe Ave.

Both cyclists failed to yield at the stop sign on south Canby Street, crossing west Chillicothe Avenue. One cyclist, later identified as Yocum, nearly collided with an officer’s cruiser before swerving onto the sidewalk. Officers recognized Yocum from an earlier call for service involving public intoxication and initiated a stop.

Despite the officer’s lights and verbal commands, Yocum continued northbound on south Detroit Street without stopping. Eventually the officer pulled ahead of the bike and intercepted her.

Upon making contact, officers noted slurred speech and an odor of alcohol. Yocum admitted she had been drinking and had received a ride home from officers earlier in the evening.

Officers conducted a series of field sobriety tests, during which Yocum struggled to maintain her balance and understand instructions. When questioned, Yocum admitted to consuming alcohol that night and stated she was attempting to meet her boyfriend at a party.

After failing the tests, she submitted to a breathalyzer test at the Bellefontaine Police Department, which recorded a blood alcohol content of 0.178—over twice the legal limit.

Yocum was issued citations for OVI, failure to stop at a stop sign, cycling without required lights and riding on the sidewalk. She was lodged in the Logan County Jail.