Benjamin Logan hosts countywide ALICE training Aug. 9


The Benjamin Logan Board of Education discussed the upcoming county-wide ALICE training at their July board meeting. 

This year, Benjamin Logan Schools will host the county-wide training on Aug. 9. Attendance is mandatory for all Benjamin Logan staff. Staff members who participate will receive a stipend of $100.

Four years ago, the Logan County Sheriff’s Office and the Logan County Schools administrators recognized the need for comprehensive preparedness in response to the increasing number of school shootings. 

As a result, they initiated annual ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) training sessions before the start of each school year. Each year, a different school district hosts the training.
Also at the meeting, the board also accepted a $10,000 grant from the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation to support the continued implementation of the Collins Writing Program at the middle school. 

Consultants will provide modeling, examples and direct feedback to help teachers integrate these strategies into their classrooms effectively.

John Stanford also offered updates on Ohio Hi-Point Career Center. 

Members approved the revised Administrative Salary Schedule for fiscal years 2025 to 2027.

In other action, the board: 

• accepted the resignations of Marleen Godsey, high school teacher, effective July 31; and Ashley Robinson, food service worker, effective Aug. 9;

• approved new hires: Brooke Thompson, custodian, effective July 15, on a one-year limited contract; re-assignments: Kari Ricketts, elementary school food service worker, additional two hours per day; and Barb Kensler, high school food service worker, additional half-hour per day; 

• approved intervention specialist training Aug. 26 and 27 and stipends of $100 per day to Lisa Daniels, Robert Wolf and Tori Purk; 

• approved the following supplemental contracts for 2024-25: athletic — Chad Stahler, Assistant Volleyball Coach, High School; and Tiann Harner, Middle School Activities Director; non-athletic — Jennifer Davis, Art Club, High School; Myles Bowers, Auditorium Manager, Band Marching Director, Band Pep Director, High School; Brooke Rodriguez, Class Adviser, Freshman

Nicole Fuller, Matt Smith, Class Advisers, Sophomore; Sage Caughenbaugh, Brooke Rodriguez, Class Advisers, Junior; Nicole Fuller, Class Advisor, Senior; Jodie Kavanagh, Jason Smith, First Robotics Advisor, High School; Michael Kettler, JETS Advisor, High School; Rob Painter, Key Club Adviser, High School; Michael Dove, Maggie Bowlby, Musical Director, High School; Michael Dove, Paul Gantt, Musical Tech Director, High School; Kelly Gibson, National Honor Society Adviser, High School; Nelly Hughes, National Honor Society Spanish Advisor, High School; Shelly Lane, Sage Caughenbaugh, Play Director, High School; Michael Dove, Show Choir, High School; Trish Hemmelgarn, Student Council Advisor, High School; Nicole Terrill, Teaching Assistant Program Coordinator, High School; 

• accepted the volunteer services of Tony Griffith as the high school football coach; and 

• approved the use of a bus and driver for the Bellefontaine Grace Church (BGC) trip to Indiana Wesleyan University for a youth conference, cost for travel is being paid for by the BGC.

The board also entered an executive session at 6:16 p.m. to discuss employment matters. The session concluded at 7:30 p.m., and the board returned to open session.

 The next board meeting is 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 19.