Ben Logan FFA members awarded National American FFA Degree


Pictured, from the left, are Ava Boysel, Taylor Forsythe and Shelbie Snoke at the American FFA Degree ceremony. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

Three Benjamin Logan FFA members were awarded the American FFA Degree at the 96th National FFA Convention & Expo Nov. 4 in Indianapolis.

Ava Boysel, Taylor Forsythe and Shelbie Snoke each received a gold American FFA Degree key and certificate after being recognized at the convention.

The American FFA Degree is bestowed upon a select group of students in recognition of their years of academic and professional excellence. This year over 4,400 American Degrees were awarded.

To be eligible, FFA members must have earned at least $10,000 or earned at least $2,000 and worked at least 2,250 hrs outside of class time through a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program in which they own their own business, hold a professional position as an employee, or conduct research.

Recipients must also complete 50 hours of community service and demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities and civic involvement through completion of a long list of FFA and community activities. Less than 1 percent of FFA members achieve the American FFA Degree.