Ben Logan district board gets glimpse into next 5 years


Finances are tight all around, and that was reflected in Treasurer Jennifer Sudhoff’s five-year forecast, which she presented to the Benjamin Logan Local School District Board of Education at their regular meeting on Monday, Nov. 27.

“We are deficit spending,” Sudhoff said. “We’re digging into some expenses, trying to make sure we make the best use of our funds.”

The forecast, of course, is merely a snapshot they use for long-range planning and, Sudhoff added, “a tool to monitor spending and budgeting.” It will keep evolving as new information becomes available.

In the meantime, Sudhoff hopes the forecast “demonstrates a commitment to transparency, responsible financial management, and the continuous improvement of education outcomes for our students.”

Benjamin Logan schools received almost $1 million from casino revenue and operational windmills in fiscal year 2023. They also collected $2.2 million in ESSER funding. Though subject to restrictions, this money was used for tutoring, summer learning initiatives, roof repairs, floor replacements, technology enhancements and the development of outdoor learning areas.

Salaries and benefits account for over 73 percent of the district’s expenditures.

As for their financial health, Sudhoff said the district “aims to achieve a 90-day cash balance, emphasizing financial sustainability and responsiveness to unforeseen circumstances.”

After Sudhoff’s presentation, board president Mark Himmeger asked if the funds they will receive from solar farms would fall into this time frame. Sudhoff replied that plan isn’t set to start for another six years, so just after this particular forecast.

Ohio schools are required to provide five-year financial forecasts twice a year. These reports also consider the history of the three previous years.

Please contact the district offices directly if you have any questions.

In other action Monday night, the board approved or accepted the following:

  • John Stanford was appointed to the Ohio Hi-Point Career Center Board of Education for a three-year term of office beginning Jan. 1, 2024.
  • A Memorandum of Understanding to add a head girls wrestling coach and girls swim coach to the supplemental salary schedule, effective immediately.
  • The October 2023 finance report and other financial items, including the aforementioned five-year forecast.
  • Resignations from Brenda Fahle, transportation supervisor, effective June 30, 2024 (retirement); and Carie McCullough, food service worker, effective Nov. 1, 2023 (personal reasons).
  • Medical leave of absence for Justin Shupert, effective Nov. 13, 2023; and Nichole Terrill, effective Oct. 26, 2023 to Jan. 19, 2024.
  • Employment of Jane Hough for detention, Saturday school and study tables.
  • Employment of Lindsay Freeman as an English Language Learner tutor to be paid $24 an hour per timesheet for the 2023-2024 school year (not to exceed $1,300).
  • Supplemental contracts for the 2023-2024 school year at the respective level of the salary schedule upon completion of all O.R.C. employment requirements for: Athletic: Kelly Gibson (HS ski club advisor), Renae Deardurff (HS swimming coach), Cadman Roose (MS wrestling coach), Cole Carpenter (MS wrestling coach), Matt Marshall (HS wrestling coach assistant), Bryan Newland (HS girls wrestling head coach); non-athletic: Maggie Bowlby (HS musical director), Heidi Fuller (ES testing coordinator), Brian Hunt (ES testing coordinator).
  • Overnight FFA trips for students, parents and chaperones: May 2-3, 2024, Ohio FFA State Convention, Columbus; June 2024 Ohio FFA camp, Carrollton; July 29-31, 2024, officer retreat, Mansfield; September 2024, Ohio FFA Greenhand Camp, Carrollton; and Oct. 23-26, 2024, National FFA Convention, Indianapolis.
  • Overnight wrestling trips: Dec. 27, 2023, GMVWA at Vandalia Butler student activity center; Feb. 26-March 2, 2024, OHSAA district tournament (location TBD); March 8-10, 2024, OHSAA state tournament (location TBD).
  • Benjamin Logan High School as a partner school for the American Exchange Project.
  • Donations of $160 from the Ben Logan wrestling club for a new printer in the multi-purpose building and $750 from RWE Clean Energy LLC to help middle school families in need.
  • Volunteer services of Brian Hemmelgarn and Trish Hemmelgarn as indoor track coaches.

The next board of education meeting will start at 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 18.

Benjamin Logan High School Principal Annette Ramga-Alatorre congratulates Evan Carpenter on being named one of two November seniors of the month at the district’s Board of Education meeting on Monday, Nov. 27. The second recognized senior for November, Mya Burrey, couldn’t attend Monday due to a basketball game. Each student received a Chamber Choice gift certificate, a Marie’s Candies chocolate bar and a certificate of achievement. (EXAMINER PHOTO | SHARYN KOPF)