The Benjamin Logan (BL) Board of Education gained hands-on experience during their regular Monday, May 20, meeting when seventh-grade ELA teacher Tina McPherson gave them a type 1 writing challenge.
This exercise started a presentation from the BL middle school implementation team (CWIT) about the success of the Collins Writing program.
“The skills they gain aren’t just limited to the classroom,” McPherson said. In fact, they anticipate the students will take what they learn into high school and beyond.
Other teachers offered examples of the kind of work the middle schoolers are creating.
Fifth-grade teacher Bobby Gill added, “One thing I really like is it gives the students some thinking time.”
The board also enjoyed a presentation from visual arts instructor Jennifer Davis, who introduced the winners of a prestigious award.
“It is a huge accomplishment,” Davis said. “I would say this is one of the top opportunities they can be given.”
Charley Hardman and Lauren Hemmelgarn were two of five BL students who submitted artwork in the 4th District Congressional Art Show. The competition took place at the Warren G. Harding Presidential Center in Marion.
Davis admitted she was satisfied when Hemmelgarn was named the second-place winner. Then she was delighted to hear Hardman’s name called up for the top prize.
For her reward, Hardman’s painting will be showcased for one year in the Cannon Tunnel connecting the Cannon House office building to the Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Hardman will receive two complimentary Southwest airline tickets to attend a celebration on June 27. At that time, she will have an opportunity to meet with Jim Jordan, the Ohio 4th district representative.
In personnel matters, Treasurer Jennifer Sudhoff’s resignation—effective July 5, for further employment—was accepted without comment.
The board has called a special meeting for 6:15 p.m. Friday, May 24, for the purpose of the employment of a new treasurer, allong with the employment of personnel and revised lunch prices.
The board also evaluated and approved the contract with Environmental Design Group for the sewer treatment plant and sewer collection system. A condition assessment of the infrastructure and recommendations for improvements is based on a 20-year lifecycle.
“This is a need, and we can’t get out of it,” Superintendent John Scheu informed the board. “I know it’s a lot of money, but there are enough issues that we need to see what options we have.”
Members approved two connected actions: the consideration and approval of using money from ESSER III funds for Orton-Gillingham training in the amount of $3,000, and using those funds to pay Linda Thompson and Sarah Skidmore a $1,000 stipend for dyslexia training.
A resolution to purchase a conveyor-type dishwasher for just under $50,000 was approved by the board. This is the district’s third new dishwasher in the last four years. It will be paid for using federal funds.
Scheu clarified: “When you have X amount of funds, you either purchase or return it to the state, and we’re not going to return this to the state.”
A tentative collective bargaining agreement summary with the Ohio Association of Public School Employees, which will be effective July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2027, was accepted.
According to Scheu, they’re resuming talks with the teacher’s union on Thursday, May 23, and then will continue negotiations with classified employees.
In his report, Scheu shared his admiration for the students, families, staff and community for their recent support of the Logan County Cancer Society. Through this spring’s high school Raider Relay, Improvising a Cure concert and middle school Rally for a Cure, they raised approximately $28,000.
“Thank you to everyone who contributed to this meaningful cause,” he concluded.
During audience participation, Angie Hildreth, educational assistant at the elementary school, spoke briefly about sick leave and contractual language. Later, following executive session, Scheu stated the board had approved the deduct day for Hildreth as recommended.
In other action, the board:
• made a request for public remarks regarding IDEA Part B for the 2024-2025 anticipated grant funding.
• recognized the May Seniors of the Month Georgia Bates and Graham Studebaker.
• accepted a United Way grant of $1,800.
• accepted the five-year forecast as presented;
• approved a continuing contract, effective Aug. 1, 2024, for Nichole Morris
• accepted the resignations of Kara Maurer and Alyssia Cavallini, intervention specialists, effective July 31, 2024, for further employment.
• approved a one-year limited contract, new hire, Kayla Null, high school Spanish teacher
• approved the following certified staff contracts:: one-year, retire/rehire per the collective bargaining agreement — Bruce Smith; one-year — Alix Brown, Anthony Courtney, Heidi Fuller, Riley Hayhurst, Paul Jenne, Cody LeMay, Greg Saylor; two-year —Margaret Bowlby, Renae Deardurff, Jane Hough, Kaitlin Lindemer, Colleen Miller, Laura Mobley, Julie Phillips, Jaclyn Powers, Lance Predmore; three-year — Jaclyn Atherton, Lindsey Balla, Kelly Gibson, Cadan Goldstein, Barb Kuck, Joel Phillips, Laura Stanley, Lori Wilson, Amanda Wood; and continuing —Myles Bowers,
• approved the following classified contracts: one-year —Diane Chamberlin; two-year — Holly Bair, Kyle Boylan, Kandie Brown, Ashley Chrencik, Jonathan Clark, Deanna Danieu, Michele Inskeep, Barb Kensler, Jessica McCoy, Carrie McCullough, Jordon McDonald, Julie McManus, Brenda Mitchell, Cedar Schneider, Sarah Skidmore, Brooke Smith, Keith Snyder, Lisa Stover, Jeff Whatley; continuing — Jennifer Hammer, Janice Kennaw, Teresa Stratton, Louella Vermillion
• overnight trip stipends for eighth-grade Washington D.C. trip, May 8-10: Colleen Bodin, Tom Braddock, Scott Frederick, Mollie Johns, Merisha Organ, Amanda Siefring, Cedar Schneider, Scott Vermillion.
• resident educator stipends of $500 each to year one mentors: Morgan Dixon for Alix Brown, Melody Wishin for Riley Hayhurst, Scott Vermillion for Greg Saylor; and year two mentors: Alecia Myers for Laura Mobley, Chelsea Dixon for Kaitlin Lindemer, Myers for Renae Deardurff, Myers for Jaclyn Powers, Myles Bowers for Maggie Bowlby.
• District CWIT honorarium for teacher-leaders on the planning committee of $125 each to Alyssia Cavallini, Laurie Kimmel, Deepika Scheiderer, Tina McPherson, Lori Weyant, Bobby Gill
• a 5th-quarter agricultural education grant payment to Lora James, high school agriculture teacher: salary $2,174; retirement and Medicare $336.
• accepted the resignation of assistant high school football coach Vincent Godsey and assistant high school volleyball coach Kaitlin Lindemer
• extended athletic supplemental contracts to: middle school boys basketball coach Lance Predmore, freshman boys basketball coach Rob Powell, JV high school boys basketball coach Joel Phillips, head boys basketball coach Scott Vermillion, JV high school football cheer coach Melissa Burgess, middle school football cheer coach Britney Houchin, high school assistant football coaches Riley Hayhurst and Joseph Webb, high school assistant girls soccer coaches Dave Evans and Bo Johns (both on half contracts); and non-athletic: ES yearbook advisors Kyra Fry and Samantha McPheron, both on half contracts;
• set fees for the 2024-2025 school year: ES – $50, MS – $60, HS – $100.
• accepted a donation of $300 from Logan County Cattle Association for the purpose of beef for food labs was accepted.
• accepted the volunteer services of Jim Stafford as a high school boys basketball coach.
The next Benjamin Logan regular board of education meeting is 6 p.m. Monday, June 24.

Benjamin Logan High School art teacher Jennifer Davis, left, gives a glowing account of the success two of her students recently had. Charley Hardman, right, took first place in the 4th District Congressional Art Show while her classmate, Lauren Hemmelgarn, grabbed the second-place prize. (EXAMINER PHOTO | SHARYN KOPF)