Before getting down to business, which included a look at the district’s five-year forecast, the Benjamin Logan Board of Education took a moment to honor several high school seniors at their regular monthly meeting Monday, May 15. They started with their seniors of the month for January through May.
The students recognized were: Aubree Snyder, Carson Lyden and Ethan Hyder (Ohio Hi-Point – OHP) – January; Macy Matthews, Matthew Beikman plus Sarah Folk and Olivia Yelton (OHP) – February; Kiley Daniels and Hunter Lattimer – March; Kendra Kennedy and Jonas Hoffman – April; Ras-D Ahnutae and Allie Henault – May.
Each student in attendance received a plaque and shared their plans for the future.
The board also praised the high school Quiz Bowl team for their recent success at the 2023 Small School National Championship in Chicago. The team placed eighth out of 77 in their division, earning a trophy as well as individual medals.

Two BLHS students stood out: senior Ras-D Ahnutae, who ranked 10th among the 421 competitors, and fellow senior Isaac Napier, who scored enough individual points to place 40th. The other students competing for the school were Livi Achor (freshman), sophomores Matthew Cox and Brookelynn Oliphant and senior Evan Wall.
“It made me really happy to be able to go after it was postponed several years,” Ahnutae said, and Napier added, “It was a great way to cap off our senior year.”
According to Michael Kettler, Quiz Bowl team advisr and high school chemistry and physics teacher, this was their first year back since 2019 due to covid restrictions.
In financial matters, Treasurer Jennifer Sudhoff reviewed the district’s five-year forecast, which they’re required by Ohio law to complete in May and November each year. This one showed a small surplus for fiscal year 2023, then indicated deficit spending for the remainder of the forecast.
There will be three state budget cycles over this time, which makes the later years difficult to predict.
Sudhoff also stated the district is 40.72 percent state-funded. The windmill revenue they’ve received this year totals $859,156.
In building and grounds matters, the board presented the notice of award and official contract to Levan’s Excavating for the track and turf project.
Resolutions for an asphalt resurfacing project as well as hiring the same company to conduct a district-wide asphalt examination were passed. This will determine what they can resurface versus what needs to be replaced. Superintendent John Scheu said it will give them “a better idea what needs to be done short-term as well as long-term.”
In other action, the board:
• approved Memorandums of Understanding with BLEA for a spring sports events manager and an IEP review team, both to the supplemental salary schedule were approved;
• approved the transfer of $25,174 from the Permanent Improvement Fund to the Bond Retirement for Interest Payments;
• accepted a $1,300 United Way grant;
• approved Holly Barr for a reassignment from assistant principal to head principal for the middle school, a three-year limited contract beginning Aug. 1,
• extended Andy Higgs, school psychologist, three-year limited contract, effective Aug. 1;
• approved an addendum to add nine days to Sally Stolly’s 200-day contract until the end of her existing contract until June 30, 2024; Stolly serves as the director of administrative services and public relations;
• approved Bruce Smith for a one-year contract on a retire/rehire basis;
• approved a one-year contract for Scott LeVan;
• approved the following certified staff contracts: one-year —Margaret Bowlby, Alyssia Cavallini, Renae Deardurff, Jane Hough, Kaitlin Lindemer, Colleen McDaniel, Laura Mobley, Julie Phillips, Jaclyn Powers, Lance Predmore; two-year —Sage Caughenbaugh, Michael Dove, Megan Dunfee, Natalie Hays, Summer Huston, Kara Maurer, Victoria Purk, Nicole Terrill; three-year —Morganne Ackley, Andrew Bistransin, Amanda Davis, Chelsey Dixon, Jodie Kavanagh, Christa Knight, Shannon Peterson, Abbey Shields, Jason Smith, Emily Wilson, David Wood, Tyler Young; and continuing —Amy Evans, Marleen Godsey, Laurie Kimmel, Darrin Reese;
• approved the following classified staff contracts: two-year —Jon Appelfeller, Randi Buffkin, Rhonda Cook, Ryan Dodds, Kate Dudgeon, Kary Henry, David Hunt, Amanda Iiams, Chad Jordan, Mark Long, Carie McCullough, Merisha Organ, Rebecca Peterson, Michelle Phipps, Vincent Potvin, Kari Ricketts, Chris Roberts, Ashley Robinson, Jill Rowe, Tawney Saylor, Anastasia Shields, Justin Shupert, Mary Wallen, Blaine Walter, DiAnna Zeigler, Erin Woodward, Tim Yoder; and continuing — Jennifer McKenrick, Carolyn Jo Riedmiller;
• Greg Saylor has been hired as the new high school physical education teacher under a one-year contract, effective Aug. 1;
• accepted the following resignations: Ellie Allen, sixth-grade science/social studies, effective July 31; Ellen Theodor, sixth-grade ELA/social studies, effective July 31; Lynn Ware, EMIS coordinator, effective July 31; Doug Rutan, teacher, effective June 30; Susan Ridge, guidance counselor, effective June 30;
• approved two overnight trips for Future Farmers of America students along with their parents and chaperones\: the Ohio FFA Camp Muskingum, Sept. 22-24, in Carrollton, Ohio; and the FFA National Convention and Expo, Nov. 1-4, in Indianapolis;
• lunch prices and school fees for the 2023-2024 school year were approved at the same rates as the 2022-2023 school year (no increase). Lunch prices: Elementary School – $2.70; Middle School/High School – $2.95; Reduced lunch – 40 cents; Adult lunch – $3.25; ES/MS/HS breakfast – $1.60; ES/MS/HS reduced breakfast – 30 cents; extra milk – 40 cents; school fees: elementary, $50; middle school, $60; high school, $100; and
• accepted the following donations $855 from BLMS PTS for the eighth-grade Washington D.C. trip; $400 from the American Legion Auxiliary #266, Belle Center, for the eighth-grade Washington D.C. trip; $500 from an anonymous donation for the high school guidance department; various binder from Bridget Appelfeller for staff/student purposes.
A special board meeting for hiring/acting on personnel items will take place at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 30.
The board will also conduct a special session at 5 p.m. Monday, June 26, in order to give the board time to review the National School Public Relations Association communications audit. Their regular June meeting will follow at 6 p.m.