Beer, wine options pass in West Liberty


Indian Lake Schools renewal levy approved

Beer and wine will soon be available for purchase in the village of West Liberty, after voters approved the sale of certain alcohol Tuesday 368-342, according to unofficial results from the Logan County Board of Elections.

However, the sale of liquor within the village corporation limits failed to pass by 11 votes. A total of 18 West Liberty voters that voted in favor of beer and wine sales drew the line at spirituous liquor and votes no on that question.

The liquor question failed to pass 350-361, according to the unofficial tally.

Voters in West Liberty also approved a renewal levy for current expenses by an unofficial count of 379-325.

That 2.5 mills levy is estimated to generate $100,000 per year for fund current expenses in the village. It will cost a $100,000 property a total of $51 per year.

• Voters in the Indian Lake School School District approved a five-year, 4.8-mill renewal levy by an unofficial margin of 2,015-1,723.

The renewal levy is expected to generate $2.87 million annually for operating expenses such as utility costs, equipment repairs, facility maintenance, technology expenses, wages, benefits and more.

Indian Lake-area voters also approved a 2.5 mills levy to fund the Indian Joint Fire District, 646-384, according to unofficial results.

The levy is projected to collect $360,000 per year and will cost a $100,000 property approximately $75 per year.