BCS Board evaluates superintendent, treasurer

The Bellefontaine Board of Education meets in the Distance Learning Center. (Bellefontaine City Schools photo)

The superintendent and treasurer of Bellefontaine City Schools are doing an exemplary job, school board members said.

The Bellefontaine Board of Education completed their annual evaluations of Superintendent Brad Hall and Treasurer Josh Wasson Wednesday, July 17, during a monthly meeting, praising both administrators for their academic vision, attention to detail and public transparency. 

Board President Colin Yoder issued statements on both evaluations.

“The Bellefontaine Board of Education gave Mr. Hall a positive review for the last academic year. The board believes he has done a great job managing district operations and personnel while keeping the district focused on academic excellence and student safety.

“The board is also pleased with the successful implementation of a new evidence-based reading curriculum and a new quarterly outreach initiative called “Chat with the Superintendent,” which gives parents and community members an opportunity to meet with Superintendent Hall to discuss district goals and operations and to address any questions or concerns. This ensures our district leadership continues to be open, transparent, and accessible to all.”

“The Board of Education has given Treasurer Josh Wasson a positive review for the last academic year. The board is pleased with Mr. Wasson’s management of district finances, the accuracy of his financial forecasting, and his work with district staff to address a complex and confusing issue regarding paycheck timing. The board has encouraged Mr. Wasson to continue to strengthen relationships and communication with district staff and administrators in the coming year.”

Student fees for the 2024-2025 school year were approved at a total of $80 per student, which includes laptop bag, Google license and device. Any student fees above $80 will be paid from the general fund. Upon successful completion, those students graduating in ’22-’25 may be able to purchase their laptops.
Those graduating in 2026 and beyond may be eligible to receive their laptops at no cost.) The student fees did not increase from the ’23-’24 school year.
In personnel, the board accepted these resignations:

Natasha Anderson – 8th Grade English Language Arts

Aaron Peitsmeyer – High School Business

April Wasinger – High School Intervention Specialist

Deborah Dill – Educational Aide

Tamara Dowell – Educational Aide

Valerie Hensley – Educational Aide

Darin Vermillion – Educational Aide

Jacob Watkins – 2nd Shift Custodian

The board hired the following:

Nichole Johnson-Burkhamer – Intervention Specialist

Andrew Reinhard – 5th Grade Teacher

Brooke Reinhard – High School Intervention Specialist

Amy Treon – 8th Grade Teacher

Valerie Chamberlain – Bus Driver

Connie Blaess – Substitute Food Service Worker

Brooke Bahr, Phil Forsythe, and Tracy Huffman were hired to teach summer school for the ’24 session.

Gavin Yoder was approved as an athletic worker.

Finally, the board approved the following:

Bus routes for ’24-’25;

The food service agreement between BCS and Madison-Champaign County ESC; and

The athletic spectator code of conduct policy.

The next board meeting will be August 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the Distance Learning Center at BHS.
The board will meet in special session to discuss district goals on Tuesday, August 13th at 11 a.m. at the board office.