Land Trust presents Pollinator Field Day April 5


The Logan County Land Trust presents a Pollinator Field Day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 5, at the Kirkmont Center, 6946 County Road 10, Zanesfield

Meet in the Goodrich Lodge (follow the signs). 

The cost, which includes lunch, for Pollinator Field Day is $21 when you pre-register in advance. Register online at Use the “Donate” page and designate the Pollinator Field Day as the activity.

Registration and payment at the door is $25.

The first presenter is Chelsey Dixon, who will detail everything you need to know about to raise and release monarch butterflies. She is a Benjamin Logan second-grade teacher with many years of experience raising and releasing monarchs.

If you’ve always wanted to encourage monarchs on your property, this is the session for you.  

Next, join Celeste LaFleur, a farm bill biologist with Pheasants Forever, for an engaging talk and demonstration on pollinator planting, including seed sourcing, site location, and seedbed preparation. Learn what plants will turn your property into a hotspot for pollinators. 

The local Pheasants Forever chapter will be providing pollinator sample packets for all participants.  

Finally, hear Dwight Wells, a beekeeper since 1954, talk about honey bees. He is the beekeeper at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, and he has served as a citizen scientist with Perdue University since 2012. Dwight’s topics will include honey bee biology, hive management and swarm trapping.

Swarm traps will be available for $95