The Logan County Board of Developmental Disabilities were provided with updates on the Discovery Center at their March meeting, including the positive news that the preschool recently completed and passed a licensure review with the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services, with no citations.
In addition, area families have been attending “Discovery Days – Indoor Playground” at the Discovery Center.
The community is invited to take their children, ages 0-5, to play in the Discovery Center’s gym on the following dates: March 28, April 11 and April 25, from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Adults are required to stay and supervise their children as well as sign a waiver of liability. Those interested must make reservations, as space is limited, to Ashley Shefbuch at ashefbuch@logancbdd.org or call (937) 292-3036.
In new business, members reviewed and approved one contract with MRESC for an instructor assistant at The Discovery Center. The board also approved four updated policies, as well as an updated table of organization.
Human Resources Staci Nichols updated the board on new hires and current job openings. Jennifer Heritage was hired to fill the Early Intervention Administrative Assistant vacancy and Kari Eckard has been hired to fill the Business Director vacancy.
The board currently has two openings for teachers at the Discovery Center. Anyone interested in applying for the positions can email Staci Nichols at snichols@logancbdd.org.
Last month, the Early Intervention Department teamed up with the Logan County Family and Children First Council to host a Skate, Stroll & Roll inclusive skating event Feb. 15 at the Indian Lake Rollerana.
More than 50 people attended the event, whether it was on skates, in a stroller or wheelchair. Attendees had the opportunity to connect with other local agencies as well.

The Logan County Braves Unified Bowling teams participated in the National Bowling Championships in Baton Rouge, La., at the end of February. They brought home several medals including two gold, one silver and two bronze.
Superintendent Krista Oldiges reviewed agency financials, noting that the ARPA Grant funding has been received and will be reflected in the financials at the April board meeting.
A new software system also was purchased for the Discovery Center to assist with student records and information.
SSA Director Jason Moyer is participating in a Juvenile Court System Simulation with the Logan County Mental Health and Addiction Services Board, Logan County Children’s Services and Logan County Juvenile Court. This simulation is to help demonstrate what it is like going through the juvenile court system for other local professionals.
Prior to the meeting, members participated in a training presented by Jed Morrison, former superintendent for the Franklin County Board of DD, on Understanding Levies for Ohio County Boards of DD.
Board meetings are typically conducted the first Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at 1973 W. State Route 47, Bellefontaine. The next meeting is 5:30 p.m. April 3.
For further information on services, contact (937) 592-0015.