Two arrested following public intoxication incident


A man was arrested for public intoxication Tuesday, March 4, after officers of the Bellefontaine Police Department observed him stumbling along the roadway with an open container. A second individual, who arrived to pick him up, was also taken into custody on an outstanding warrant.

Chad Montgomery, 37, of Bellefontaine, was charged with public intoxication after officers found him walking unsteadily around 8:10 p.m. in the area of Water Avenue and Plumvalley Street.

Montgomery reportedly was carrying an open tall boy can of Bud Ice and appeared visibly impaired. Officers stopped to check on his welfare when Montgomery unexpectedly put his hands up and stopped walking.

An odor of alcohol was detected and noted Montgomery was swaying and unable to provide his address. He was given the opportunity to call a sober person for a ride home and contacted Timothy Predmore, 38, of Saint Paris.

When Predmore arrived, officers discovered he had an active warrant from the Logan County Sheriff’s Office for failure to appear on unpaid child support. He was placed under arrest at the scene.

Montgomery declined to provide details for an alternative ride home. He repeatedly told officers that he wished to remain silent. Officers took him into custody for public intoxication and, upon searching him, found various marijuana products and a pill of Gabapentin. He was lodged in the the Logan County Jail.