Dog owner tells officers to shoot his aggressive canines


Patrick Lambert, 64, of Bellefontaine, was cited for animals at large after police responded Wednesday, Feb. 26, to a complaint about two loose dogs in Oakland Square.

Officers were dispatched around 2:15 p.m. after reports of a large black dog and a smaller tan dog running loose in the area. Upon arrival, officers were flagged down by a witness who reported the dogs have been aggressive toward him in the past and attempted to bite him. Officers were told the dogs belong to Lambert.

Officers attempted to catch the dogs but were unsuccessful. Two construction workers near Lambert’s residence in the 200 block of west Brown Avenue also reported that the black dog had tried to bite them earlier in the day.

Police went to Lambert’s residence and spoke with a roommate and were invited inside the residence. Lambert reportedly was highly intoxicated and unable to come to the door. When informed about the situation, Lambert told officers to shoot the dogs if they were caught. He denied letting them out.

A records check revealed Lambert had previously been cited for animals at large. He was issued a summons.