‘Examiner’ Forum: Grange Solar Grazing Center offers real jobs


As representatives of three union locals representing Logan County, Laborers’ Local 1410, IBEW Local 32, and the Operating Engineers Local 18, we know firsthand what it takes to build strong communities: hard work, dedication, and opportunities to provide for our families. We support the Grange Solar Grazing Center project because it creates new opportunities for our local workforce. These aren’t just numbers on paper: they’re real, bootstrap jobs for people ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work.

We train people in our apprenticeship programs who are serious about showing up, learning the trade, and who take pride in a job well done. The union jobs committed to by Open Road Renewable with the Grange Solar Grazing Center project will allow the people who go through our training programs to earn while they learn, getting to work immediately and providing for themselves and their families while developing skills that will last a lifetime. These are good-paying jobs for well-trained people who are committed to working hard. Our unions provide fair wages, retirement benefits, workplace safety, and a real shot at stability for families right here in Logan County.

The numbers speak for themselves. This project will create 1,156 direct union construction jobs, 157 new indirect jobs, and 203 induced jobs—for a total of over 1,500 jobs supported by Grange Solar. The $70 million in labor wages during construction and $641,745 in annual operations wages ensure that these family-sustaining jobs directly benefit our community.

Our workforce training programs prepare the next generation of skilled workers, are entirely self-funded by our local unions, and receive no taxpayer support. Nationally, the
Building Trades train nearly 200,000 new members every year. Compare this to the U.S. military boot camps that train roughly 175,000 Americans each year.

We take pride in hard work, whether it’s setting steel, running wires, or ensuring every bolt is fastened securely. The Three Trades agreement with Grange Solar allows us to bring more people into the legacy of hard work, dedication, and craftsmanship. It allows us to train more apprentices and journeymen—local people who are ready to show up
and get the job done. These aren’t jobs that can be outsourced or replaced. These are solid middle-class jobs for the people who live in our communities.

This project isn’t about handouts or hand-downs; it’s about opportunity. It’s about creating career pathways that let people stand tall, knowing they’re providing for their families and helping build something meaningful in their community.

To the people of Logan County: the Grange Solar Grazing Center is more than a project; it’s a chance to prove what we already know—that Ohio workers are the best in the country.

We ask you to join us in supporting this vision for a more
prosperous future.

Mike Ruppert
Business Manager, IBEW Local 32

Jason Lautensleger
Business Manager, LiUNA Local 1410

Kipton Siesel
Business Representative, IUOE Local 18

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