LCBDD approves ARPA grant support of 2 local projects 

Discovery Center preschool instructor Jill Butler assists a student in her classroom. (LCBDD PHOTO) 

The Logan County Board of Developmental Disabilities discussed the new school year at the Discovery Center and approved the utilization of the ARPA grant to support two important local projects at their Thursday, Sept. 5, meeting. 

The board decided to utilize $10,000 of the ARPA grant to support the Russells Point Splash Pad Project and another $10,000 toward the costs of a new restroom at the West Liberty Lions Club Park, which will include a universal changing table. 

Also at the meeting, Kelly Paxton was introduced as the new board member, replacing outgoing member Lindsay Krieger, who is moving out of the Logan County area. Paxton will be sworn in at the October board meeting. 

The Discovery Center preschoolers’ first day of classes was Aug. 21. So far this year, the preschool has 197 children enrolled. 

Prior to the school year starting, the staff participated in mandated training, including First Aid, CPR and child abuse. 

Two new preschool instructors, Dora Tracy and Natalie LeMay, were introduced to the board prior to the start of the meeting.  

LCBDD Superintendent Krista Oldiges presented updated policies and a contract with WestCON for Early Intervention evaluations and assessments, all of which were approved by the board. 

The board also approved a proposal from Commercial Control Services, Inc. for installing temperature controllers in the new air handlers at the Discovery Center. 

Several improvement projects are in process at the Discovery Center including new HVAC units, which are scheduled at the end of September. There will be nine exterior lintels that will be repaired. The exterior and interior wall near the Early Intervention Department will be sealed due to moisture issues. 

Business Director Jennifer Frail reviewed the financials for August 2024, noting that the fifth invoice from the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities was higher than normal due to the increase in waiver costs. 

Officials also announced that the Annual Chicken Barbecue is set for Friday, Oct. 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

Romer’s Catering is providing the meals, including a half chicken, baked potato, applesauce and a roll for $12. Tickets are available for purchase by calling (937) 592-0015, with delivery options for orders of 10 or more meals. Tickets will also be available at LCBDD and The Discovery Center for purchase. 

In other updates, the LCBDD also is partnering with Homegrown Yoga to provide free inclusive yoga sessions every Saturday, beginning Oct. 5. The class for adults (16 and older) will be at 11 a.m. and Baby (0 -3 years old) and Me class will begin at noon. Sign up online at 

The board approved to a motion to put several items on GovDeals to sell including a 12-passenger van, medical bed, infant scales, and a floor buffer. 

SSA Director Jason Moyer updated the board on several DODD statewide updates, including the waiting list rule, accreditation compliance and waiver modernization. 

Board meetings are typically conducted the first Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at 1973 W. State Route 47, Bellefontaine. 

The next meeting of the board is 5:30 p.m. Oct. 3. For further information on services, contact (937) 592-0015.