Cost of dog tags set to increase


The cost to purchase an annual dog tag in Logan County is going up.

The price for a one-year dog tag will increase by $2.00 effective Dec. 1, following a recent vote by the Logan County Commissioners.

In addition to the price increase, new fees will be introduced in 2025 such as a $20.00 adoption fee plus veterinary costs for those adopting dogs.

The decision was not unanimous, with Commissioner Mark Robinson opposing the increase, while Commissioners Mike Yoder and Joe Antram voted in favor of the changes.

“This is a tax for people who take care of their dogs,” Commissioner Robinson said.

Dog tags are important for owners to purchase in case a dog gets loose and is found. If they have a tag, it is easier for them to be returned to their owners. Most owners are appreciative of this process, Commissioner Antram related.

The increase in fees and additional charges will go into effect for the 2025 dog license season.