‘Examiner’ History Snippet: New Nationwide Insurance building, August 1974


Editor’s Note: Below is a reproduction of a news item that published 50 years ago today about the new Nationwide Insurance building from the Aug. 28, 1974, edition of the Bellefontaine Examiner.

NEW NATIONWIDE OFFICE BUILDING — Pictured above is the new office building of Robert Erwin, Nationwide Insurance agent, located at 143 east Chillicothe avenue.

Mr. Erwin is leasing to and sharing office space with Eldon Zimmerman, another Nationwide Insurance agent, and the separate businesses will share the name, Erwin-Zimmerman Agency. The insurance offices are located on the second floor (south end) and include facilities for the two agents and two secretaries.

Located on the second floor at the north end is a two-bedroom apartment. On the lower levels are a conference room and a utility room-handball court (south).

The 28 by 64-foot brick structure was built by Humble Construction Co., West Liberty. Other contractors include Bush Electric, Ed Ewing plumbing  and B&C, West Mansfield, and Notestine’s floor covering.

Mr. Erwin said that a grand opening will be held sometime in September.