Centenarian honored for service to her country


Logan Acres Care Center resident Maxine Vicario, age 100, second from the left, reacts to her receipt of a U.S. flag Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 20, from Logan County Commissioners Mike Yoder and Joe Antram, while her niece Mary Smith holds the flag. Logan Acres residents, friends and family of veteran Mrs. Vicario joined in the patriotic and spirited celebration, hosted by the Logan County Commissioners for their presentation of a flag that has flown over the Logan County Courthouse. Mrs. Vicario recently marked her 100th birthday on Aug. 12 with several other parties at Logan Acres. Relating to her military service, she said, “It was great, and I’m glad I did it.” Indian Lake High School senior Daniel Wahl, below, right, also sang “God Bless America” for the special occasion. See Thursday’s paper for a full story. (EXAMINER PHOTOS | MANDY LOEHR)