Perfect night for a run


Pleasant temperatures Friday evening, Aug. 9, helped propel the Logan County Education Foundation’s 30th Annual Run to Educate 5K to a rousing success. More than 130 runners enjoyed the cool evening at the new venue of the Logan County Fairgrounds. 

Lindsey Maus and Hayden Maus took home top female and male runner awards of an apple pie baked by Keri Thomas of Bake My Day Kitchen. The 5K supports the Logan County Education Foundation, including its grants to teachers program.

This year’s sponsors are: Logan County Electric Cooperative, corporate sponsor, Quest Federal Credit Union, timing sponsor; Six Hundred Downtown, Mile Marker sponsor; and T-shirt sponsors, Citizens Federal, Mary Rutan, Edward Jones – Hannah Southwood, Smith, Smith, Montgomery & Chamberlain, Thompson, Dunlap and Heydinger, and Marker Construction.