Man arrested for resisting officers


John Messer, 27, of Bellefontaine, was arrested Saturday, July 27, following an altercation with officers of the Bellefontaine Police Department.

Police were dispatched shortly after 12:15 a.m. to an apartment at Heritage Court on a report of domestic dispute. Dispatchers told officers that glass was breaking and things were bring thrown.

Upon their arrival, officers could hear the suspect yelling inside. Contact was made with the suspect, Messer, who reportedly became immediately confrontational with law enforcement. He attempted to close the door on officers and then walk away from them.

Officers followed the suspect as he retreated inside and attempted to detain Messer who pulled away and tried to run from police. He was taken to the ground and handcuffed.

Messer and a woman inside the apartment said the altercation was only verbal and neither party wanted to press charges. The argument reportedly began over the suspect’s purchase of a pistol.

He was charged with obstructing official business and resisting arrest and was lodged in the Logan County Jail.