Firefighters rejoining Lakeview Fire Department


The village of Lakeview Fire Department appears to be stabilizing following months of conflict. 

As the fire department continues to rebuild following a wave of resignations earlier his year, recent developments signal a positive turn of events. Interim Fire Chief Josh Oakley reported during a recent meeting of the Lakeview Village Council that the department is steady after months of conflict. 

The department also earned regional recognition for its exceptional response to the March 14 tornado, the interim fire chief said.

Chief Oakley told council that two former firefighters, Terry Kuhlman and Eldon Stevens, are set to rejoin the fire department. Their return comes after several firefighters had resigned in April in solidarity with former Fire Chief Norm Spring, who stepped down as a result of ongoing disputes with the mayor and council.

To facilitate a smooth reintegration process, the department established a committee to review applications and interview returning firefighters, Chief Oakley said. This committee has recommended the re-entry of Kuhlman and Stevens under specific conditions. 

Kuhlman will need to complete driving training and a physical exam at his own expense and will be placed on a six-month probationary period, as he is already certified. Any new recruits who are not certified will be on probation for one year. Stevens, whose gear remains available, will meet the same requirements.

The council unanimously approved the rejoining of Kuhlman and Stevens following a motion by council member Pat Parish, which was seconded by Mel Rotroff. 

In addition to the staffing updates, Chief Oakley shared that the Lakeview Fire Department recently received a plaque from the Northwestern Volunteer Fireman Association recognizing the department’s exemplary service during and after the tornado, highlighting their dedication and effectiveness in managing the crisis.

Joe Ferryman, representing the Fireman’s Club, also provided an update on the community support efforts funded by a recent T-shirt fundraiser. The proceeds have been used to help a local tornado victim acquire a new lift chair and assist other affected residents with their electric and water bills, reflecting the department’s ongoing commitment to community welfare.

Lakeview council meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first and third Monday of each month. The next regular meeting is Aug. 5.