‘Hoops at the Pres’ begins Sunday


The First United Presbyterian Church is returning a popular program from the 1980s for area youths to enjoy open gym recreation and time together Sunday afternoons under adult supervision.

“Hoops at the Pres” begins this Sunday, Nov. 12, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at the church, 117 N. Main St., Bellefontaine.

Youths are invited to bring their own teammates or come alone. Basketball games will include three-on-three or five-on-five. Parental/custodial liability forms will be provided.

The following week, the recreational fun continues from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 19.

“With adult supervision included, we think that this will help parents feel confident that they are leaving their children in a place that will provide a safe environment,” said Brandon Standley, one of the organizers.

“This ‘open gym’ program will incorporate basketball and other activities for local youths in middle and high school. If the program is successful, we’ll continue to build on that with the participants to attempt to bring more options as we move forward.”

The First United Presbyterian Church of downtown Bellefontaine had an extremely popular program in the 1980’s, noted Standley, who recently retired as police chief of the Bellefontaine Police Department

“The program became the ‘go to’ spot for teens to play basketball or just hang out,” he said.

“Since the church is centrally located in the downtown, it provides a closer pathway to many kids who cannot find transportation to get across town or somewhere close enough to walk to.”

A small concessions will be available, and the church intends to always provide some small snacks as well.

For more information, call the church at (937) 592-6611.