Motorist charged with drunk driving following crash


Amanda Smith, 43, of Bellefontaine, was charged with multiple impaired-driving related charges following a crash that occurred around 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 8, in the 400 block of Water Avenue.

Officers of the Bellefontaine Police Department report the defendant was traveling westbound in that area when she lost control and struck a utility pole. Her vehicle was stuck between the utility pole and a guide wire and Bellefontaine Fire and EMS were dispatched to the scene to help the motorist get out of her vehicle through the passenger side.

While investigating the crash and questioning Smith, signs of alcohol impairment were observed. The defendant admitted to having consumed alcohol earlier in the evening, but denied she was too drunk to drive. Field sobriety tests were attempted, but were not successful.

Smith was transported to the police department where she refused a breath test or to provide a urine sample. She has previous drunk driving arrests from 2002, 2006 and 2018, officers report.

She was charged with failure to control and operating a motor a vehicle under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs and was released to a sober driver.

Her vehicle was towed from the scene.