Indian Lake Elementary honored nationally


The Indian Lake Board of Education learned about impressive recognition coming to Indian Lake Elementary School during their recent regular October board meeting Monday evening, Oct. 16.

Indian Lake Superintendent Dr. Rob Underwood announced that Indian Lake Elementary has been recognized as a National Elementary and Secondary Education Act Distinguished School by the Ohio Department of Education for schools that receive Title I funding.

“What that means is that we were chosen as one of 26 schools in Ohio to receive the award. Now, we will go through a nomination application process and the pool will be narrowed down to just two schools,” the superintendent said.

“The reason why we were recognized is that we have demonstrated exceptional student performance for two or more consecutive school years and we’ve closed the achievement gap between student groups.

“So we’re just extremely proud of the efforts of our elementary students and staff. They continue to do awesome work at that level.”

In other news, Dr. Underwood recapped the recent Community Leader-Senior Appreciation Breakfast at Indian Lake Middle School, highlighted the successful start to the Lunch Buddies program with select third- and fourth-graders at ILES, and applauded the Laker Leadership Council group that attended the recent Logan County Chamber of Commerce Fall Leadership event.

Finally, the board voted to accept a donation from the Women of the Moose for school lunches and approved an overnight trip for the Indian Lake Marching Band in April to a contest in Hershey, Pa.

In other action, the board:

• authorized the debt service payment of $1,212,118.75 for the building bonds due Dec. 1;

• approved the 21st Century Grant student supervisors paid at a rate of $30 per hour by grant funds: Danielle Even, Alicia Pickering and Julie Grider;

• approved the following supplemental contracts for the 2023-24 school year: Ryan Lillard, head baseball; Alex Jacobs, assistant baseball; Josh Shelton, JV baseball; Wes Hall, freshman baseball; John Stahl, head softball; Paula Newland, assistant softball; Kaylee Shelton, freshman softball; Justin Metzger, head track; Greg Tuttle, middle school boys basketball; and

• approved the agreement to provide Equitable Title I Services to a non-public school through the Midwest Regional ESC for the 2023-24 school year in the current amount of $7,746.51 that may be adjusted as Title I allocations to the district are adjusted.

The next board meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 20.