ILHS prepares for 2023 homecoming week

Indian Lake High School homecoming court attendants include, from the left, first row: sophomore attendant Augusta Biederman, senior attendant Ashlynn Biederman, queen Katie Roby, freshman attendant Brynna Avila and junior attendant Cambria Tuttle; and second row: sophomore attendant Weston Campell, senior attendant Logan Murphy, king Camdon Tuttle, freshman attendant Brodey Reisinger and junior attendant Madden Lillard. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

The Indian Lake High School Homecoming Court will represent their school during the Community Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally in downtown Russells Point Thursday, Oct. 5, and at the Indian Lake Homecoming Game Friday night, Oct. 6.

This year’s king and queen are seniors Camdon Tuttle and Katie Roby. Senior Attendants are Logan Murphy and Ashlynn Biederman. Junior Attendants are Madden Lillard and Cambria Tuttle. Sophomore Attendants are Weston Campbell and Augusta Biederman. Freshman Attendants are Brodey Reisinger and Brynna Avila.

Russells Point Police and Indian Lake Schools invite families, neighbors and all Indian Lake Laker fans and alumni to line Main Street for the 2023 Homecoming Parade. This is the 15th annual event.
This spirit-filled tradition takes place in downtown Russells Point Thursday, Oct. 5, beginning at 6:30 pm. The parade will feature dozens of floats showcasing Indian Lake student athletes, band members, local law enforcement, student organizations, staff and the 2023 Homecoming King and Queen and their court. Groups will hand out candy and other small prizes.
All Indian Lake area businesses are encouraged to decorate their exteriors. The ILHS Student Council and ILHS Football Cheerleaders will present an award for the Business with the Best Spirit.
This year’s Homecoming slogan is “The Lakers Are On Fire!” and all class floats will feature a fire-related theme.

After the parade, Gathering Grounds will host a Pep Rally in the gravel parking lot next to the coffee shop to get the students, players, parents and fans excited about the game against Shawnee Friday night. Cheerleaders will introduce the coaches, football players and the homecoming court.
Prior to the parade, Russells Point Police will close the west end of Main Street at 5 p.m. Floats should approach the parade route from Township Road 239 at Midway. Students who are participating in the parade may be dropped off at the bike path pull-off at Township Road 239 or Paradise Island across from Indian Head Roadhouse.

The Homecoming Game is Friday, Oct. 6, at 7 p.m. in Laker Stadium. The parade of cars and presentation of the king, queen and their court begins at 6:20 p.m. prior to kickoff.
The 2023 Homecoming Dance is set for Saturday, Oct. 7, in Laker Stadium under the bleachers from 8 to 10:30 p.m.