State report card success celebrated by Indian Lake


The Indian Lake School District celebrated academic achievement during the September regular board of education meeting Monday night, Sept. 18, after the recent release of the state report cards.

Indian Lake Schools Superintendent Dr. Rob Underwood explained for the second year in a row Indian Lake Schools earned 4.5 out of a possible 5 stars on the school grading system from the Ohio Department of Education.

Superintendent Underwood said the district’s teaching teams are still analyzing results, but they are ecstatic with the overall scores.

“We exceeded the state average on every single assessment. Our performance index continues to increase and improve every year and we have a graduation rate that’s almost 100 percent.

“Kudos to our staff for being such a hardworking and diligent staff, to our students for responding after Covid and to our families for continuously supporting us.”
Of note, the district met the early literacy standard and had made significant progress in improving chronic absenteeism. The full report card is available to view at

In other news, board members approved staff members to run the 21st Century Grant after school program for the 2023-24 school year.

The 21st Century Site coordinator/directors are Eric Finke at the middle school and Matt Steinbarger at the high school, with the board approving stipends of $11,000 each paid by the 21st Century Grant.

In addition, 21st Century Grant Student supervisors to be paid at a rate of $30 per hour by grant funds are: Erin Miller, Kelli Strayer, Karen Cordova, David Snapp, Dana Clune, Amanda Fulkerson, Paige Dukowitz-Holt, Matt Steinbarger, Mariann Reese, Valarie Rapp, Jen Ignarski, Ryan Stanford, Lindsay Imm, Jana Core, Logan Miller, Brian Sutton, Rebecca Dotson, Missy Mefford, Alexis Scheiderer, Nathaniel Tennant, Lisa Borgerding, Alicia Pickering, Troy Shively, Jessica Tussing and Richard Yocum.

In other action, the board accepted or approved:
• the following donations: an anonymous $380 donation and $415 Nancy Riegle Memorial donation to the athletic department, $1,000 Dick’s Sporting Good Foundation donation to girls bowling, accepted $600 donation to the Food Service Department for school lunches, and $13,000 Indian Lake Football Club donation to the football program;
• the resignation of Deanna Danieu, middle school custodian, effective Sept. 22;
• the supplemental contract resignation of Katy Taylor, middle school basketball cheerleading (which had been a 50 percent contract); Ashtyn Jackson, who was approved as a 50 percent contract; will now be 100 percent of the contract;
• teacher stipends paid from the Performance Based Pay Fund at $25 per hour: Elizabeth DeLeeuw, $650 for professional development in yearbook, journalism and artificial intelligence; Wes Hall, up to $250 for developing technology standards;
• administrative stipends for MRESC Special Ed Unit Supervisor Services to Molly Hall and Erin Miller, $500 each;
• Sarah Beres as a home instruction tutor, assigned to a high school special education student at a rate of $25 per hour as needed;
• the advancement on the salary schedule for: master’s plus 25 — Jamie McClelland; master’s plus 45 — Sarah Beres; • approved the resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Logan County Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor for calendar year 2024;
• approved the FFA overnight trip to the Poultry Judging Competition in Springfield, Mass., Sept. 15-17; National Convention in Indianapolis, Oct. 31 through Nov. 4, and approved the FFA overnight trip to State Convention in Columbus, May 2-3.
The next meeting is 6:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 16, in the board office.

Indian Lake Middle School math teacher Lindsay Ross, who serves as a union representative, listens during the Indian Lake Schools Board of Education meeting Monday evening. (Indian Lake Schools Photo)