New Board of DD member takes oath of office


Melanie Reames was administered the oath of office as a new board member of the Logan County Board of Developmental Disabilities during the regular meeting Thursday, Sept. 7.

Reames has been involved with LCBDD for over 12 years due to her son receiving case management (SSA) services through the board.

She expressed appreciation for the services that have been provided to her son and is excited to be involved in serving on the board to help ensure quality services are available to individuals with disabilities and their families in Logan County.

Members also learned about the Aug. 22 Logan County Board of DD end-of-the-summer evening at the West Liberty Lion’s Club Splash Pad. Youngsters and their families in attendance enjoyed the park and the water activities.

LCBDD is grateful for the generous gift from The West Liberty Lion’s Club to utilize this space, as we also continue to partner with them to provide handicap accessible playground equipment for their park, members said.

The meeting began with SSA Director Jason Moyer providing a training on Major Unusual Incidents (MUIs) and Unusual Incidents (UIs.)

He explained the categories under which these investigations can be filed and under what circumstances an investigation would occur.

Moyer explained the importance of reporting concerns regarding abuse, neglect, theft, exploitation and other significant threats to individuals with disabilities and the timelines in which to report.

LCBDD is committed to ensuring the health and welfare of some our most vulnerable citizens. If you have concerns about an individual, call (937) 592-0015 or e-mail Moyer at jmoyer.

In other agency updates, Superintendent Krista Oldiges reported that LCBDD has applied for a grant through the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities.
DODD is committed to keeping youth with complex needs in their homes and communities when at all possible. To do this, DODD is making $2.8 million of Keeping Families Together subsidy funding available to Ohio’s county boards of developmental disabilities to help youth with complex needs and their families.

KFT funds can be used for supporting families, provider support, environmental needs, service access, local collaboration, county board staff support, or crisis or emergency options through 2025. The purpose of these funds are to create or expand projects that are in alignment with DODD’s Multi-System Youth initiatives and programs.

DODD will review the plan submitted by LCBDD and decide how much funding will be awarded based on the submitted plan and the availability of funding.

Lastly, members were reminded that the annual chicken barbecue fundraiser is slated for Oct. 5. Order forms and tickets are now available.

“We look forward to seeing everyone and always appreciate all of the community support,” Oldiges said.

For more information or to place an order, contact Becky Robison at (937) 292-3008.

Board meetings are typically conducted the first Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the board office, 1973 W. State Route 47, Bellefontaine. Due to the chicken barbecue, the next meeting has been moved to Oct. 12.