Logan County 4-H members take top state fair sewing awards


Logan County was well represented at the 2023 Ohio State Fair sewing competition, with participants garnering top awards for their sewing talents and creativity.
Logan County sent 12 representatives and after two days of sewing competition, came home with eight Outstanding of the Day winners, one Clock Trophy winner and the State Wool Award winner.
Outstanding Awards were awarded to the top 20 percent in each category, and the Clock Trophy is awarded to the top project in each category in the state contest.
Carley Strayer won an Outstanding Award, Clock Trophy and was the State Wool Winner for her Clothes for High School and College entry.
Fellow Outstanding of the Day winners were: Audra Harford, Sundresses and Jumpers; Elayna Hover, Accessories for Teens; Emily Adams, Clothes for Middle School; Valerie Knight, Ready, Set, Sew Active; Audra Harford, Designed by Me; Kaitlyn Adams, Shopping Savvy; and Samuel Knight, Outer Wear.
Kaitlyn Adams also competed in her Dress up Formal Wear entry. Fellow Ohio State Fair competitors were: Lila Adams, Terrific Tops; Gillian Knight, Dress up Day Wear; and Audriena Smith, Embellishments.

Carly Strayer, Lila Adams and Valerie Knight

Gillian Knight, Audra Harford and Kate Adams

Audra Harford, Elayna Hoover, Emily Adams and Kate Adams

Sam Knight