Long Range Transportation Plan to be shared at LUC open house


The Logan-Union-Champaign Regional Planning Commission, along with the Clark County-Springfield Transportation Coordinating Committee, will host open houses for the Regional Transportation Planning Organization’s Recommended 2050 Long Range Project List.

This updated Project List is part of the Logan-Champaign Long Range Transportation Plan update, which is underway.

Two open houses events are planned. The first open house is slated for 4 to 6 p.m. Monday, March 20, at the Logan County Commissioners Office, 117 E. Columbus Ave., Bellefontaine.

The second Open House is set for 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 21, at the Champaign County Community Center conference room C, 1512 S. U.S. 68, Urbana (near the Bureau of Motor Vehicles).

Staff will be on hand to answer questions, but there will be no formal presentation.
The Long Range Transportation Plan is a statement of the direction the region will take in transportation system investment, including a Recommended Long Range Project List.

“The Plan identifies the multimodal and intermodal transportation policies and facilities needed to meet the travel demand for a minimum 20-year planning horizon,” representatives said in a press release.

“The Plan also serves to reflect the continuing, cooperative planning effort to advance the transportation needs of the region.”

For those unable to attend the open house events, visit the LUC’s website at www.lucplanning.com/rtpo to view or comment on the document. The public comment period is from Monday, March 20, to Tuesday, April 4.

Individuals in need of special accommodations should contact LUC at least 24 hours prior to the event at (937) 666-3431.