ILHS BPA students advance to state contest


Several Indian Lake High School/Ohio Hi-Point Career Center Business Professionals of America students are headed to the State BPA Contest after learning the results of recent tests during a Regional Awards Ceremony at Ohio Northern University.

During December, 32 Indian Lake BPA members competed in the BPA Region 16 Leadership Conference. A total of 40 tests/competitions were completed and 15 Lakers placed in the top 10 in their categories.

The top three advance to the state competition March 9-10 in Columbus, and these ILHS students are advancing: Jonathan Henry, first place for Business Law and Ethics; Alex Minnich, first place for Payroll Accounting; Paige Mefford, first place in Fundamental Word Processing; Porscha Davis, second place for Fundamental Word Processing; Hannah Metzger, second place for Business Law & Ethics; Megan Kimbler, third place for Fundamental Accounting; Abigail Elliott, third place for Fundamental Word Processing; Hannah Hoffman, sixth place for Business Law & Ethics.

Other top 10 finishers include:

• Fundamental Accounting — Jonathan Henry, second; and Kayla Schwarderer, 10th.

• Fundamental Word Processing —Chase McMillen, fourth; Addison Stinemetz, fifth; and Jalan Martin, 10th.

• Business Law & Ethics — Alex Minnich, third; Haylee Edwards, fourth; Gillian Taylor, seventh; and Taylor Karbowiak, eighth.
Competitors who place in the top five at state will qualify for nationals in Anaheim, Calif.

The ILHS/OHP BPA is taught and advised by Lisa Coburn.