100-year-old guest of honor


Ayden Healthcare of Belle Springs resident John Godwin, seated, is celebrated for his 100th birthday by staff and fellow residents at the Bellefontaine care center on Friday, Aug 23, joined by Activities Director Anne Turben, left. The celebration included cake and refreshments, music from the 1920s, and special newspaper clippings and photos from the Logan County History Center, including Mr. Godwin’s Huntsville High School 1943 class composite. A lifelong Logan County resident, Mr. Godwin will mark his milestone birthday Sunday, Aug. 25. He worked for Bulldog Electric for 35 years, and said he and his wife Velva were married for 66 years before her passing several years ago. Mr. Godwin made sure the couple’s wedding photo was part of the celebration as well. For those also seeking longevity, the centenarian encouraged them to remember, “one day at a time” and to “keep their head up.” (EXAMINER PHOTO | Mandy Loehr)