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' + streamingDesc + '
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50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% 300% 400%. Get In Touch. "csIconsAreSticky": false, // MOVE UP 'url': 'https://www.berrycenter.net/', if($('.hp').length){ if(e.keyCode == _this.KeyCodes.tab){ 'onTransitionEnd' : function(props) {}, // props.element, props.currentRecordIndex, props.currentGalleryIndex, props.mmgRecords break; this.GlobalIcons(); linkObj[0].focus(); if(mmgs > 1){ "contactEmail" : "[email protected]", }); // USE CHANNEL NAME FOR PAGELIST NAV HEADER IF ONE IS NOT PRESENT $('.' *****/ }, }, // props.element, props.mmgRecords } let dynStyleSheet = document.createElement('style'); case "home": Window. }); Football practice for the 2021-2022 season is being held at 5pm, Monday-Friday.

$('.hp-column', row).each(function(columnIndex, column){ }); $("#hp-slideshow").fullScreenRotator({ }, East Hamilton Middle School / For Students / Athletics. $('.sw-channel-dropdown', this) case _this.KeyCodes.right: } PROPERTIES }, $(this).parent().addClass('openMenu'); 'onWindowResize': function(props) {} // props.element, props.mmgRecords
_this.MmgTabControls(props.element); FOOTBALL: 2021 Big Central Conference and area week-by ... e.preventDefault(); + districtAlias + '-school-tabs .schools-tablist button').on('keydown', function(e){ } case _this.KeyCodes.up:

The Michigan High School Athletic Association, Inc., is a private, voluntary asso­ci­­a­tion for public, private and parochial secondary schools which choose to join and participate in the organization. } Curt Elverd - Band and Music. $('#school-trigger').focus(); $('#hp-emergency-announcement').remove(); "showText": true, // FOCUS FIRST ITEM "image": "Education Portal/6.png", Athletic Fundraisers. //else go to previous tab ***NEW AS OF 7/29/21**. if(tabs.index(tab) == 0 && direction == -1){ $('#gb-page .content-galleries .app.multimedia-gallery').each(function(appIndex, app){ $(this).parent().prev().children().children().next().append($(this).html()); }, } }, if($(this).val() == '') { } } GMC * vs. Mason (Green) Princeton High School. if($('.hp').length && $('#gb-page .hp-row.one .app:first').hasClass('multimedia-gallery')){ $(app).csMultimediaGallery({ }, } $('.custom-dropdown > button').off('click keydown').on('click keydown', function(e) { // Trigger the click event from the keyboard .attr('tabindex', -1) 'autoRotate' : true, Dress Code; Loftis PTA; PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal; Parent/Student Handbook 2021-22; Code of Acceptable Behavior 2021-22; Quarantined Students 21-22 if ($(window).scrollTop() <= $('#gb-channel-list-outer').outerHeight() + 250) { $(desc) // RELOAD THE PAGE if(direction != ''){ }, "onStateChange" : function() { } firstMmg.addClass('tabbed-mmg-app'); }else{ let schoolCategory = ''; .removeClass('playing') } // SETTERS 'onImageLoad' : function(props) {}, // props.element, props.recordIndex, props.mmgRecords break; .attr('aria-hidden', false); "SchoolMenu": function(){ image: '/cms/lib/TX50000664/Centricity/Template/GlobalAssets/images///Faces/default-man.jpg' $('.custom-dropdown.openMenu input, .custom-dropdown.openMenu a, .custom-dropdown.openMenu .custom-dropdown > button').attr('tabindex', -1); //if index 0 go to last tab mmg.records.push(record); if(linkObj.index($(this)) == 0) { .attr('aria-selected', true); Found inside – Page 231He Dr. Hamilton and his wife was Carolina , then completed his mas- helped welcome hundreds of stu- placed in the lobby ... in the Velma Hamilton Commission for Racial Justice of Middle School and a bas relief of Central Oklahoma Honors ... Found inside – Page 255... Denny , Madison , and Hamilton middle schools ; Concord , Cooper , Roxhill , and Viewlands elementaries . ... In addition to academics , all Seattle public high schools offer the following sports : football , volleyball , cross ... // AUTO CLICK FUNCTION FOR SCHOOLWIRES CALENDAR LIST VIEW FOR SMALL MOBILE DEVICES Found inside – Page 476In preparation, therefore, the president dropped in Tuesday morning at the Hamilton Middle School to observe a class ... and in the huge main room, as large as a football field, and therefore commodious enough for four hundred tables, ... $('a#feedback').text($('div#sw-footer-links li:eq(0) a').text()).attr('href', $('div#sw-footer-links li:eq(0) a').attr('href')); const tabParent = tab.parent(); background: #D36929; /*lighter orange*/ "IsMyViewPage": false, // UPDATES IN SetTemplateProps METHOD $('#' + $(this).attr('aria-controls')) } .append($('.mmg-control.next', props.element)); SCHOOL INFORMATION Show submenu for SCHOOL INFORMATION LIBRARY Show submenu for LIBRARY . if($('.sw-channel-dropdown', channel).children().length == 0){ $('.ui-widget.app.calendar #calendar').addClass('ui-helper-hidden'); schoolCategory = 'high-schools'; break; .addClass('flex-cont fd-col') }else{ case 'blur': } heroLogoSrc = '/cms/lib/TX50000664/Centricity/Template/27/district-logo-small.png'; Copyright © 2002-2021 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. "calendarLink" : "/Page/2", Last item for navigation. We accomplish this mission by connecting students with outstanding teachers, caring for each child, engaging students in meaningful curriculum, challenging . case _this.KeyCodes.down: $('.school-menu-trigger').attr('aria-expanded', false); case _this.KeyCodes.right: 'url': '/Page/1900', 'target': '_blank' div.region span.homepage-thumb-region-number { // TOP LEVEL (Window/Document) EVENT HANDLERS 'calendarLink' : '/Page/2', On this site you will find information regarding our current teams and updates about the program and schedule. The primary function of the Asso­ciation is to conduct postseason tournaments and to help member schools have rules and guidelines to follow and enforce locally to promote equitable . div.homepage-thumb-region.region-1 { "onReady" : function() {

// FOR SCOPE Jesse Bates - 7th Gr Social Studies. Join the district that is bringing out the best in our students! heroBanner += '

'; $('.view-calendar-link', app).prependTo( $('.ui-widget-footer', app) ); //will combine all of the MMGs in Region 10 into the first MMG { hex.substring(1,7):hex; }); }, (t&&t.licenseKey&&t.applicationID&&e))return u.abort();f(O,function(e,n){t[e]||(t[e]=n)});var n=a();c("mark",["onload",n+P.offset],null,"api"),c("timing",["load",n]);var r=g.createElement("script");0===t.agent.indexOf("http://")||0===t.agent.indexOf("https://")?r.src=t.agent:r.src=v+"://"+t.agent,e.parentNode.insertBefore(r,e)}}function i(){"complete"===g.readyState&&o()}function o(){c("mark",["domContent",a()+P.offset],null,"api")}var a=t(5),c=t("handle"),f=t(10),u=t("ee"),s=t(8),d=t(6),p=t(2),l=t(3),v=p.getConfiguration("ssl")===!1? } 'transitionType' : 'fade', // fade, slide, custom $('.cs-fullscreen-video-button.play-button').click(); Hamilton coaches are dedicated to develop all students natural athletic talents. const linkObj = $('a, input, select, button', dropdown); .attr('id', uniqueId) m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m) }, 800, function(){ Found inside – Page 115The Hamilton team wore matching football jerseys. The players on offense wore red. ... They also had matching football shoes with plastic cleats. ... The Hamilton quarterback was so large, he looked like a middle school kid. (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) { color: #fff; "showText": true, $('#gb-global-icons-sticky-parent').css('padding-top', 0); $('#gb-user-options ul').append('
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    .ui-txt-validate { //this.RsMenu(); -- called in the SchoolMenu() /* customDropdowns Football. } } 'image': 'Athletics/21.png', "ClearDropdowns": function(){ Found inside – Page 19... what most parents expected of him : that he would enforce middle - class standards of courtesy and respect , emphasize a college preparatory curriculum , and put winning teams on the Hamilton field — especially the football field . const g = parseInt((this.CutHex(hex)).substring(2,4),16); // TABS .resize(function(){ } }, }); e.preventDefault(); const uniqueId = 'tab-panel-'+ tabbedMmgTitles[bulletIndex].replace(/ /g, '-') + '-' + bulletIndex; Loftis Football 2021-2022. Jesse Bates - 7th Gr Social Studies. } else { break; if($('#hp-content .hp-row.three .multimedia-gallery').length){ New Teacher Induction & Mentoring Program, Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated).

    if(e.type == 'click'){ } else { logoSrc = this.DefaultLogoSrc; { // FOCUS WATCH VIDEO LINK

    e.preventDefault(); "Footer": function() { Football. 'allLoaded' : function(){ } More Options . .attr('tabindex', '') linkObj[linkObj.index($(this)) - 1].focus(); East Hamilton Middle High School. ga('BBTracker.set', 'dimension6', '1568'); //DOC get Schoolwires footer links

    True Past: Hamilton Middle School class gets hands-on history lesson //if we are on the first setup then open the first accordion div.homepage-thumb-region.region-8 { searchBox $('.sw-channel-dropdown', this) "MoveTab": function(tab, direction, districtAlias){ } else if(event.type == 'keydown' && (event.keyCode == this.KeyCodes.space || event.keyCode == this.KeyCodes.enter)) { 'imageWidth' : 1460, } Athletics Expand Side Navigation. 'text': 'Board Meetings', firstApp.addClass('cs-has-description'); Football. extraOptions[formattedSchoolCat].push({ $('.ui-article-description', article).each(function(descIndex, desc){ */ panel Matthew Brady - 7th Gr Math. let logoSrc = $.trim('/cms/lib/TX50000664/Centricity/Template/GlobalAssets/images///Faces/default-man.jpg'); Hamilton Huskies have a great history of championship wins because of the talents of our students and our excellent coaching staff. .children() 'target': '_blank' 'icons' : [ $('> a', channel).attr('aria-haspopup', false); _this.WindowResize(); div.homepage-thumb-region.region-2 { Skip navigation. e.preventDefault(); "text": "Home Access Center", _this.RsMenu(); '){ switch(e.keyCode){ }); $('.ui-widget-footer', app).addClass('has-children'); columns : 'yes', $('.mmg-viewer', props.element).append('
    '); } Select a School. }, function(){ //out if(!$('.ui-widget.app.calendar #calendarlist-pnl-specialview.loaded').length){ } } else { .attr('aria-selected', false) }, 'defaultIconSrc': '', if(i%33 == 0 && i > 0){ } $('a.ui-btn-toggle.list').click(); if($(this).val() == defSearchText) { On this site you will find information regarding our football program at the middle school level. The battle of the sexes is on. $("#pmi-" + pmi).on("click keydown", ".mmg-content-accordion-button", function(e) { display: none !important; case _this.KeyCodes.home: }); Hamilton Middle School Dedicated to excellence in education Hamilton Middle School; Homepage; Homepage; Athletics Calendar . //Caption None Raised Depressed Uniform Dropshadow. Print. show: false, case 'mouseenter': .attr('aria-label', 'Pause streaming video') "CalendarListView": function() { }, _this.ClearDropdowns(); }); } _this.DynamicStyles += '#hp-content div.hp-row.two:before{\
    'iconNum' : '8', $('div.ui-spn > div').css({'text-align' : 'center', 'padding' : '50px 0px 50px 0px'}); The goal of the middle school athletic programs is to develop and foster confidence, teamwork, commitment and the pursuit of continual improvement in the student athlete. * Covid Consent Form *. if( itemPos >= $(window).width() ){ if($('.hp-column', row).length > 0){ 'text': _this.schoolsList[schoolCategory].schools[i].schoolName, if($('#sw-mystart-mypasskey').length > 0){ //Passkey $('#' + $(this).attr('aria-controls')) if($('.ui-widget-footer', app).hasClass('has-children')){ i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () { const tabs = $('button', $(tab).parent()); 'FINE ARTS' const schoolType = school.schoolType.toLowerCase(); $(function() { View the LEAD Safely Plan. if(dynStyleSheet.styleSheet){ // IE Found inside – Page 36Hamilton may be an intellectual virtuoso, but can he follow Aurelio's masterful act of soothing egos and powerful fools? ... He was a pretty good football player, a tackle on an undefeated high school team that produced two college ... $('#header-logo').prepend(homeLink + 'Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District logo'); }else{ $('.cs-fullscreen-video-button.pause-button').click(); .addClass('mmg-tabbed-content-panel-wrapper') */ if($('#hp-emergency-announcement .announcements .ui-articles > li').length){ _this.SetActiveTab(tab.next(), pmi); // IF LAST ACCORDION ITEM case _this.KeyCodes.end: $('#hp-slideshow .mmg-description-outer').append($('#hp-slideshow .mmg-controls').removeClass('moved-for-mobile')); // DESKTOP VIEW RESET; IN CASE THE VIEW GOES BETWEEN MOBILE AND DESKTOP }); $(this) }); $("#pmi-" + pmi + " .mmg-tabbed-content-tab") .addClass('showing') _this.ChangeTab($(this), 'back', pmi); }else{ . The updated plan contains revised health and safety protocols effective Aug. 9, 2021. Print. } Found inside – Page 58... an event that would drastically affect my experience in elementary and middle school was about to unfold. When the military helicopter carrying President George W. Bush touched down on Hamilton High School's football field, ... background: #862200; /*lighter red*/ + districtAlias + '-school-panels:not([hidden]) a').last();

    On this site you will find information regarding our current teams and updates about the program and schedule. } $('.ui-widget.app.calendar #calendarlist-pnl-specialview').removeClass('ui-helper-hidden'); switch(this.GetBreakPoint()) { "WindowLoad": function() {


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    '; mmg.records.push({}); $(this).parent().addClass("active"); } All athletes must have a Sports Medical Form completed and turned in BEFORE the first practice. .attr('aria-selected', true); $("+ .mmg-content-accordion-panel", this).slideDown().attr("aria-hidden", "false"); "ChannelBar": function() { "AllyClick": function(event) { }else if((code == 39 || code == 40) && $(this).attr('aria-expanded') == 'true'){ if(accordionTabs.index($(this)) == 0) { $('#gb-user-options ul').append('
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  • Signed Out
  • '); July 26 th - August 11 th (Monday - Thursday ONLY) 6pm - 9pm. else { MS Sports. Hamilton Heights Middle School Hamilton Heights Middle School . break; case '320': csGlobalJs.CreateCookie({

    $('#rs-menu .rs-menu-group.home').remove(); Hunter Middle School / Athletics / Football. "MmgTabEvents": function(pmi) { const linkedElem = ('true' == 'true') ? 'url': 'https://www.cfisd.net/Page/360', Color Black White Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan Transparency Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque.

    if(! Sale Creek Middle School Soccer Schedule Monday, October 25 @ Home vs Boyd 5:00 Stadium at North Hamilton Elementary Thursday, October 28 @ Oakwood MS 5:00 113 Oakwood Street Chickamauga GA. Tuesday, November 2 @ Home vs Berean 5:00 Stadium at North Hamilton Elementary (8th grade night) Thursday, November 4 @ OLPH 4:30 501 S Moore Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37412. schoolPanelTabs += ''; //build out the first set of tabs and main category menu's .attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); Get Directions Email Us Web Accessibility Site Map.

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